The Continuing

"At It Again"

As he was walking down the street counting the bricks on the rode, He heard a familair sound. What was that? Cal said. "Meow", sounded the nosie again. "Oh, just a cat". He continued down the rode, "gosh what happened?", "what did they do to her"? Were the questions rumbling through his head. Just as he is walking down the street asking himself these questions he hears scampering of rats.

"Could it be a broad"? Said Cal. He followed the rats sound and cut his flash light on low and prepared it just in case he ran into not just the rats, but what he was looking for. Sarah. "How could they do that to Sarah?" Cal said. He finally caught up to the rats, as soon as he did he saw where they were heading. Down under the city. "Great", as soon as he followed he got what he wanted. Down, deep under the city into the sewers was their burrow. And with it Sarah. "Sarah?", "What happened?". Hissssssssss! She hissed at the sound of her own name, "Cal you know what happened", she said in a low deep tone.

"Those people who were suppose to be helping me turned me into a monster." "Really I know that, and i had nothing to do with that honestly. But how did it happen again?" Cal said. "They were trying a new anidote that was suppose to actually cure people who have all the symptoms, but it backed fired and i actually got worse. Now i can't even be cured." "That's not true" Cal said, "And you know it". They are working on a cure for you now, it will not cure you completely like they said that it would before. It will just get you better to where you are not in this bad condition anymore.

So come with me so we can make you better again. "No!" she hisses. You are not taking me back there to that place! And my bad condition? Bad condition? How i was before was bad, but me now, this is fucking crazy! "Calm down Sarah" Cal said. He slowly reaches for the injector in his pocket, full and ready to inject. "You must have forgot huh Cal?" she said. When i got worse my ablities enhanced remeber? Which means i can most likely tell from how your are feeling tell what you are about to do, or the movements you make. "Oh shit" Cal said. "I forgot" he said mubling under his breath.

"I know you did. Oh yeah remeber? Better hearing." Sarah said. Right at that moment Cal rushes for the injector in his pocket and rushes toward her, he swings and missed. "Dammit" he said. She flew lighting speed and before you know it she was on the wall ready to pounce. Hissing she says "You gotta be faster than that". "Wait?" Cal said. Where the hell did my flashlight go? "Oh you mean this?" She says waving it in the air. Suddenly she smashes the flashlight into pieces. I got it when you came at me, as soon as you swung i took it. "Damn! She's faster than i thought!" Cal said. I have to figure out something or i am as good as dead! Just then he realizes, i have another injector in my pocket.

He reaches in his pocket, as soon as he does she springs at him from the wall. "It's useless Cal, you will never take me back to that horrid place". He pulls out the second injector and throws it at her. "Smack" goes the injector as it hits the wall across the room. "That's useless Cal and you know it!" Sarah groans. She lands on him and starts swinging feriously at his face with her nails, all of a sudden "Ahhh!". Sarah falls over, with the first injector in her side. "I guess i did have to do better" Cal said spitting blood from his mouth. Cal takes out the tracker and puts it on her ankle and calls the night watch. "Good thing you still have a really fast Metabolism". "Now she will be out for a good couple of hours". He wipes at his face and looks down at his hand which is completely covered in blood."Damn", I can't wait to explain this one to the night watch.