The Continuing

"Not In The Mood"

Cal opens the door slamming it behind him.

"Wow, what's the matter with you kid?" Said Dr.Rat

"I thought I told you a long time ago to stop calling me that!" Cal yells.

"Sorry Cal" Said Dr.Rat. "So things with Sarah didn't go so well did they?"

"Actually they did" Cal said. And no thanks to you. How could you guys do that to her! You told me the cure would work for sure and she would be back to normal. You supposedly had run the test on a few peep rats I heard and it worked. Why didn't it work for her then?

"The answers you seek will answers themselves when the time is right" Said Dr. Rat.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Cal Screams. "Wait a second, why don't you just give her the pills that Lace usess to keep herself undercontrol?"

"That's different Cal" explained Dr. Rat. You see since you started treating Lace as soon as you knew she was a peep that changed things. And since Sarah had been In all the worst stages for far so long, apparently her body made an immune against it.

"That's a damn lie and you know it" Cal hisses. I know there is something you are not telling me, and i am going to figure it out. But you know what for now I don't feel like talking to you anymore. "I'm not in the mood" He says as he opens the door and walks out the room.