The Continuing

"What is going on?"

Cal opens the door to the diner, where he is met by the working women he knows from there.

"Hey" Cal says in a soft tone.

"Hey Cal, how have you been?" She asks cuiously

"Pretty good, could be better, but who's complaining?" Cal says.

"Anything you need to talk about Cal? Because you know, I am always willing to listen." She says in a sweet tone. She had always been the person to worry about Cal, when others didn't. But this is one thing Cal knew he could not tell her.

"It's complicated" Cal sighs. "Is there anyone here for me? He says very fast trying to change the subject.

"As a matter of fact, there is." She says in a bright tone."I hadn't seen her in forever! I just got through talking to her to see how she has been. And asked her why she hasn't been down to see me again."

"You know her?" Cal says changing expressions suddenly.

"Well of course I know her!" She says laughing. "I'm sorry I have held you up Cal, go head on back to the usal spot, I told her to sit there."

"Ok, thanks" He says as walking off. "I guess" He mumbles under his breath. "What in the hell could she be talking about? She shouldn't have her ever in her life, or could she? Were some of the things rumbling through Cals head as he walks toward the table. But when he gets to the table he knows why she knows her.....
