Status: Active

Lift You Up

Walking Along

I sat in front of the three suitcases full of clothing I owned, looking despairingly at each one. I bit my lip, the silence in the room almost deafening. I groaned, getting up and walking over to my ipod on the counter. I skimmed through the songs before settling on a Say Anything song. I hit the play button, getting an energy boost when the music began playing.

"When I watch you, want to do you right where you're standing," I sang along, going back over to my bags and opening the first one up. I pulled out a red strapless shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, deciding that those would be nice for just a friendly dinner. I decided on some red converse as well, knowing that after all the walking I did today I did not want to wear heels. I noticed that it was getting close to six o'clock, so I just left my hair alone and threw a cream colored beret over it. I felt pretty confident in what I was wearing, so I was really starting to get excited.

I quickly applied some lipstick, making sure it wasn't too dark. I threw on some earrings just as I heard a knock on my door.

"Be right there," I yelled from the bathroom, quickly putting my phone and keys in my bag before shutting off my I-pod. I took a deep breath and opened the door to see Mitchell standing there.

"Hey," I said to him, not knowing whether to give him a hug or not. He decided for me as he opened his arms up for a hug. I hugged him before walking out my door and locking it behind me.

"Ready?" Mitchell asked. I nodded as we began making our way down the hallway.

"Where's Kyle?" I asked.

"Well, Kyle got eaten by a wildebeest a little while ago," Mitchell joked.

"Oh really? What happened?" I played along. We started descending the stairs as Mitchell continued his story.

"Well we were playing Halo, and all of a sudden a wildebeest pops out of our closet and eats Kyle. I go 'hey wildey, what are you doing?' and it goes 'eating Kyle' and then walks away." He said like it happened every say.

"That sounds pretty intense," I joked as he shook his head.

"It would have been if it was actually true. Kyle went to pick up his girlfriend Sarah," He said as he held the door open for me as we headed outside. It was really warm out, so I'm glad I didn't wear a hoodie or anything.

"Oh, so did you just call her a wildebeest?" I asked him.

"I did no such thing, I think you were the one that said she looked like a wildebeest. I'm going to tell on you," He said, pretending to be a little kid. I playfully shoved him as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, noticing we were walking past the parking lot.

"There's this little place called Pitroad Pizza thats right next door that had amazing food. We decided we should show you where the 'cool kids' eat," He said right as a lit up sign reading Pizza came into view.

"Yeah, I'm new to Ohio in general, so I really don't know where anything is. I'm just lucky I have GPS," I said as we walked up to the doors.

"Well where are you from?" He asked, opening the door for me. I thanked him as we both walked in. It was a small pizza restaurant that was covered in Nascar memorabilia. There were Nascar flags on the walls and even a replica of the front of a race car coming out of a wall. The name was suiting of this place, but even though it looked sporty, it felt warm and friendly.

"Hey Mitchell! An elderly man yelled from behind the counter in back, waving at us.

"Hey MacDaddy-Yo!" Mitchell said waving. I giggled at the nickname as Mitchell led us to a table in back.

"He makes the best pizza in Ohio, so he is the MacDaddy-Yo of pizza." He said going over to an empty table for four. We both sat down, me across from him.

"He must be to be able to pull of that name," I joked to him. We both laughed a little before an awkward silence settled in between us.

"So where are you from?" Mitchell re-asked.

"Oh right, I'm from Connecticut."

"Connecticut? That's a long ways away,"

"Well my grandma lives out here, and I like the area so decided why not? I like new adventures," I said just as Kyle and Sarah walked in.

"Hey MacDaddy-Yo!" Kyle said waving to the guy in back again. I giggled to myself, knowing tonight was going to be really fun.