A Song for the Optimist

You Give Love A Bad Name

"I still think nothing good will come of this," Matt grumbled. I patted his large hand.

"I told you, Matt. I'm sure Brian won't do anything this time. He promised," I assured.

"He promised you last time too, Jamie. And he still went and did that crap." I cringed and looked down at my hands.

"I don't need to be reminded. But he seemed sincere this time." Matt sighed.

"You said that the last time too. You said and I quote, 'He seemed really sincere when he said that.'"

"How the hell do you remember that? That was years ago!" I exclaimed. He shrugged as he took a swig from his beer.

"Just be careful, Jamie," Matt said as he walked over, kissed my forehead, and left the kitchen.

You might be scratching you head right now, confused as hell. Let me clear things up for you. I'm Jamie Sanders, twin sister of Matt Sanders, better known as M.Shadows, the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold. A few years ago, I had dated one of Matt's best friends, the infamous Synyster Gates. It ended..... rather badly. He went behind my back and cheated on me with his ex, Michelle. It left my heart shattered. So, in response, I left. Left Huntington Beach, that is. I headed to up north to San Fransisco and kept in touch with everyone with except Brian.

In the last year, Matt had convinced me to come back to Huntington Beach. Over the last year, I had somewhat repaired my relationship with Brian. That somehow lead to us secretly dating. Just today I had told my brother of my relationship with Brian. Naturally, Matt was afraid I was gonna get hurt like the last time. I hope I don't get hurt. I don't think I can go through that kind of hurt again. And not to mention the fact that Brian might mysteriously be castrated in the middle of the night and wake up ball-less.

Sighing, I downed the rest of my soda. I reached for my phone and dialed the oh so familiar number.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" greeted Brian's voice. My heart gave a little flutter when I heard his voice.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanna hang out later," I said, grabbing a bottle of water as I headed out the door.

"Uh...." I heard a giggle in the background.

"Brian, who's that?" I asked, immediately dreading who it might be. I'd know that annoying giggle belonging to the reincarnation of the devil himself.

"Um, Michelle. She dropped by to visit."

I bit my lip to stop myself from saying, "Just a visit? Yeah, right." Instead I said, "Would it be all right if I came over in about half an hour? I have to stop by Val's to pick up some shit Matt left at her house." I could've sworn I heard him mutter "crap."

"Sure," he replied. "I gotta go. Bye." He hung up. I stared at my phone, frowning.

"Rude much?" I muttered to myself. I went out to the hall and grabbed my fedora and the keys to Matt's motorcycle.

"And where the hell do you think you're taking my bike?" I heard my twin yell from upstairs. I hate twin telepathy sometimes.

"Out! I'm picking up some stuff you left at Val's on my way to Brian's house," I replied as I slipped on my fedora and brushed aside my bangs. I looked up and saw Matt standing at the top of the stairs, shaving cream on one half of his face and a razor in one hand.

"Just don't screw with my stuff," he said.

"Whatever, Santa Claus." I heard him yell something as I shut the door. I put my fedora in the little compartment Matt had attached to his motorcycle and put on the helmet. I kick started the engine and started making my way to Val and Michelle's house.

"Hey, James," Val greeted when I got to her house. She was smiling, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Hey. Oh hey, Jimmy," I said when I saw Jimmy come from the living room. I suddenly got the feeling something what's wrong. "Is something the matter?" I asked as I looked at each of them.

"Nothing's wrong, Jamie. Everything's fine," Jimmy assured. "I'd better get going. Catch you later, girls." With that said, he left.

"Here's Matt's stuff," Val said as she handed me his leather jacket and aviators.

"That's where his aviators went. That bitch was accusing me of taking them!" She laughed.

"That's what you get for getting the same sunglasses as your brother." We started talking about random things. I eventually checked the clock.

"I'd better get going. I have to be at Brian's house," I said. I saw something in Val's face appear and disappear in a second flat. "I'll see you around."

"Bye." I left her house, tossing Matt's things in the back with my fedora before I started for Brian's house. At Brian's house, I turned the knob to see if it was unlocked. To my surprise, it was. I instantly regretted opening the door.