Your lips look lonely...°Would you like mine to join them?

Dear, God Envy...

*----Envy's P.O.V.**-------

"Why were you crying?" He asked, with a crooked smile planted on his face, smoothly.
I couldn't seem, to make up my mind. Should, I tell him about my father? or not? - I'll decide on the not. That, is until I get to know him a little bit more.
"-That's for me to know, and for you to find out." I quoted, I'm not exactly sure from where-but, I'm pretty sure someone famous said that line.
He looked me over once, and then smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked, the question slipping out of my mouth.
"Because, -" For the first time, he couldn't think of anything.
"What is it? Cat caught your tongue?" I asked, with a mere-giggle at the end.
"No," He laughed, his eyes glistening into the lights. I swear his smile could put
the city lights to shame.
My eyes, were slowly wondering around his face. Marvelling his wonderful face.
"Anyways, lets get out of here," I smiled, jumping off the sink, and poking him before I left.
"Your it!!" I called, behind me.
It never hurts [much] to have a little fun, and ruin a little bit of a romantic does it?
♠ ♠ ♠
The usual! Comment if you want more! xD
*is listening to 'Our Time Now' by Plain White T's! :D
I wuv that song! >_<