Your lips look lonely...°Would you like mine to join them?


Envy's P.O.V.
I ran, and ran. Not, knowing where or when to stop, but when I came across a vacant park-I ran there for now. I sat down on the swing, and started to swing slowly. I tried, gathering my thoughts together; Is he still running? Could he still be looking for me? or is he already here? Hiding or standing around or behind me? All, these questions ran into my head, and flew out.
I stared blankly down at the wood-chips below the swings, and made a heart with my feet. Until, I heard some panting, behind me. Is it him?
I slowly turned around, but all I saw was an' old woman jogging with her dog.
I turned back around, a bit disappointed, but than again-Why would he run...1 mile (or close to a mile) for me?
"Gotcha." I heard someone say. Except, this voice came from next to me.
I slowly turned to my side, and smiled. There sitting on the swing next to me was Justin Drawn. "Took you, long enough." I smirked, looking at him.
"I'll give you this Envy-your one hell of a fast runner." He smiled, his eyes twinkling a bit now.
"Thanks." I laughed, to myself. "Um, what time is it?" I added, raising my eye-brows.
He slowly, took his cellphone out, and checked. "2:55 p.m." He smiled.
"Yay! So, were already out of school!" I cheered sarcastically.
"I wonder if we'll get in trouble tommorow." He spoke aloud, I turned my gaze back onto him.
"Correction. I wonder if you'll get in trouble tommorow." I smirked.
"...True." He sighed, looking down at the ground.
"-do you think you'll get in uber trouble?" I asked, starting to feel bad. I mean there could be tons of negatives and positive sides to this story. Like...1. He can get kicked off the football team, [negative] or 2. But, he can become more popular. [positve for him]
"Not, much. Just stay after school-for detention." He smiled, turning his pure-green eyes on to me.
"Not much?!- that goes on your recored though, Justin." I said, my eye-brows furrowing.
"Envy, come on. One detention, won't do much to your record. Hell, chances are that I won't even get detention. I might get a warning." He muttered, and the smile still was planted on his face; even though I knew very well-that he was worrying in the inside.
"...Sorry." I mummbled, my smile turning into a frown.
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