It Wasn't

Chapter 5

"This...this is... Oh my fucking god!!!!" she shrieked in Billie's ear
"Hey, whoa, calm down," said a momentarily frightened Billie Joe, "Although, I knew you would do that."
"Gilman Street! You know, I came here once with my sister's boyfriend, but he was really drunk so he got into a fight with some idiot and they both got thrown out. Dude, you should have seen his face!"
"Whose? Your sister's boyfriend? Or the idiot?"
"Larry's. I didn't see who the other guy was. I think he had blonde hair though. I remember seeing the top of his head. It was fading blue on the top, but the rest of his hair was kind of blondish brown. Why are we talking about this instead of going inside?"
"Larry," Billie said, almost with a reminiscent look on his face. "So, does your sister look anything like you?"
"Yeah. She's like, 30 now, but we get mistaken all the time."
"I could see that. Anyway, we better go inside. There's a surprise waiting."
"Okay... but why were you so into Larry and my sister?"
"It's part of the surprise." Billie whispered into her ear, tickling her lobe. This just piqued Alice's curiosity. She was just rambling out of excitement (as usual). She didn't expect Billie Joe to take so much interest in it. She tossed it out of her mind for the moment and went to catch up with Billie.

Billie Joe walked ahead of Alice as quickly as he could. She would love this. She really was a cool kid. "Kid?" he asked himself, "You nearly popped a boner when she put her hands on you, and you're calling her a kid?" Guilty thoughts flooded his mind for the millionth time since the party. He pushed them away and forced himself to concentrate at the task on hand. Alice caught up with him.
"What's the rush?" she asked. It might have been his imagination, but it seemed like she was growing more comfortable around him. Maybe he would find the real Alice instead of the nervous, exploding girl he met backstage five years ago. Smiling to himself, he opened the door.
"Jim!" he called, "Hey Jim! Over here!" Somehow, Jim the bartender managed to hear them though all the noise and went over. "Jim, this is my friend, Alice." Billie Joe explained. Looking at the bartender meaningfully, he asked where his other friends where.
"I think they're down by the broken drum set." Jim pointed to an old jukebox, next to which was a decaying drum kit. Billie led Alice towards it, and relished her scream when she realized who his 'friends' were.
"Alice," he said trying to control his laughter, "Meet Mike and Tre. Tre and Mike, meet Alice." Finally he gave in and started laughing like maniac.
"Ah, Alice!" Tre gave her an enormous pat on the back, " We finally get to meet you. I guess you must be pretty busy. Billie couldn't find anyone for a long time after his old mistress left."
"Wha... " Alice started, but then realization dawned on her and she felt herself go red. "Ew! He's married! And he's fourteen years older that I am! We are not sleeping together!"
"Relax, White Rabbit. I was just joking. And even if you're not sleeping together now, I sure you will--" He broke off, noticing the death glare that Billie was sending his way, "Not. I'm sure you will not. Ahem... oh look... " Tre wandered off to a slender looking girl with red and black striped hair.

Even if Alice could only see her back, that girl looked familiar. She had to be in her late twenties or early thirties. "Nah, it couldn't be" thought Alice. But she couldn't push the possibility from her mind. Tre put his hand on the girl's waist and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "Yeah," Alice verified, "Its not. Definitely not." Billie Joe took that exact moment to interrupt Alice's musings
"Hey, Alice, what's your sister's name?" he asked her out of the blue.
"Robyn!" Alice gasped, as the girl with Tre turned around. Alice got up and ran to her older sister and best friend. "Robbie, you're back! Your hair looks great! Is that why you haven't come home last weekend?"
"Yeah," Robyn replied, grinning and equally shocked to see her sister. "Mom would freak if she saw the red. Imagine her 'Robyn, what have you done to your beautiful brown hair? You look like a prostitute!'"
"Heh. Mom is like that. Remember when we went home for Christmas last year and she found out about my nose ring and tattoo? She freaked." Alice turned to Billie, "Is this why you wanted to know about Robyn? Did you know she was here?"
"What?" Robyn and Billie said together. Slowly, the story got out. Robyn and Tre got together roughly two months ago, but didn't want to tell anyone until they were sure that this would be a long-term relationship. But that left the Alice wondering why Billie wanted to know about Robyn and Larry.
So, Billie began to explain. "See, you came to Gilman Street for the first time when you were ten years old, escorted by your sister Robyn. Robyn got in for two reasons. One was her connection to Larry. He was in one of the regular Gilman Street bands at the time. The other was our dear Mr. Wright." He paused to catch his breath and take in Alice's confusion. Tre continued the story, "I went out with your sister once before she and Larry got together. I kept trying to get her back from him. He kept trying to keep her away from me. That time when you came here with them, I saw Robbie and kept trying to convince her to go out with me again. You know, to be my dominated love slave," he wiggled his eyebrows before going on, "She was telling me, kindly of course, to pull my head out of my ass and fuck off. Larry saw me talking to her and punched me right on the nose. I slapped him on the head. He kicked me. And a crowd gathered round us until someone managed to break it up and kick us out of the club. Larry was still screaming that he would get me when they pushed us outside. I thought you would have figured out it was me by this time."
Alice frowned in thought, "There wasn't any clue who it was. I saw some people trying to calm down a dude with slightly blue hair while Larry screamed 'I'll get you right!'" She nearly slapped herself. "I get it! He said 'I'll get you Wright!' with a 'w'"
"Right!" interjected Robyn, laughing. She bent closer to Alice and whispered, "Let's just hope that Mr. Wright is Mr. Right." The girls giggled.

Billie was mentally fighting himself again. It was her laugh. There was something about that girl's laugh. It wasn't free or musical or beautiful like Adie's laugh, but there was something about it. It was low, it sounded nice, and it was pretty sexy. Billie felt himself getting turned on. "No!" he yelled inside his head, "You cannot! She's fucking twenty for fuck's sake! You're practically an old man, she said so herself!" "Yeah, but she would take you if she just fucking asked! You know she would!" he argued back at himself.

Something was going on inside of Billie Joe's mind and body that wasn't right. Something was willing him to endanger his marriage, his love, his Adrienne, his children, and his beliefs. Time and time again, he found himself between the woman he loved and someone who shouldn't have been in his mind at all. Adie's smooth shoulders and her beautiful brown hair. His hair and her sweet vanilla scent drifted through his mind when he thought about her bright, genuine smile that played on her face as she stood with her husband and children. He fell in love with her every day. But Alice. He'd met her, so many times. Since their first meeting, he'd had thoughts that should not have been. Alice's long legs and the way her hair brushed her shoulders. Her slender body moving atop her tiny, shapely waist, and her low, arousing laugh made him shiver. Something was quite wrong. There was something that Billie Joe couldn't quite manage to remove from his mind. That something was lust.