‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Lips Like Sugar

Shaking my head, I snapped myself out of my obviously crack induced state. There was no way I was actually drooling over that stupid bitch. She just took me off balance. Yeah, that’s it.

Walking outside and making sure to knock Gina out of my way, I embraced Jinx in a hug and gave her a long kiss. She was wearing the exact same outfit as Gina, and it made a small triumphant smile rise up on my face. Gina caught sight of her, glaring and stomping out, “Come on, we’re going trick or treating.”

“Um no, you’re going trick or treating. Jinx and I are going to a party in North Jingletown,” with that we were in my car and driving away, laughing our asses off at the pissed off looking Gina standing on my porch still.


Sighing and glaring at bit at Jason’s actions, I walked outside to the porch. Gina looked completely hopeless, and I gave her a small smile, “What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like? I’m going trick or treating,” I mumbled, lighting up a cig and putting it between my lips. She chuckled, glancing me over and dancing away a bit. Damn, if she didn’t look like Whatsername right now…

“Fuck you supposed to be?” she asked, a hint of laughter in her voice. Spreading my arms out in front of me and twirling in a circle, I let out a laugh.

“I’m the hopeless reject who grew up?” I offered, a hint of seriousness in my voice. She smiled a bit at me, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers as she ran down the street, making sure to go to the VERY first house on the street.

“Trick or treat!” she screamed excitedly when the door opened, and Mrs. Cleveland looked at me with distaste.

“Aren’t you a little too old to be trick or treating?” she snapped at me, and I made sure to flick my cigarette butt onto her precious flowers.

“Aren’t you a little too big for that dress?” the door was slammed in my face at that, and Gina just grinned widely at me. After we had gone to several houses, she pulled me into some alleyway and pushed me into the fucking wall. Staring at her bewildered, the next thing I felt was the sensation of lips on mine, that tasted like candy.