‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Who Are You?

All the sudden my eyes opened much sharper. I could see clearly. I had no clue who the hell his guy was in my bed, so near to me but I didn't like it. So I screamed.


"No, no no no, shhh! It's gonna be alright."
The man put a finger up to his mouth, flapping his hand up and down, trying to quite me. Dad ran into the room looking very angry. He picked the guy off my bed.

"What the hell did you do?!"

"I didn't do shit! We were talking then all the sudden she started freaking out. I fucking swear."
The guy rushed out. Dad dropped him and walked over to me.

"What's wrong Gina?"

"What's wrong? What do you think is wrong? This weird guy just appeared out of my bed out of nowhere! That's what's wrong!"
He looked at me shocked and the guy mumbled a string of curse words. He looked at me sadly and walked out of the room.

"What do you me appeared out of nowhere? Jason came in and you were fine when I left."
Jason, who the hell's Jason? My dad bit his lip and turned his head away. A nurse came in the room.

"She can be discharged now."
She handed a clipboard of papers over to my Dad. He filled them out for a second then gave them back.

"Her clothes are in the bathroom."
She added before leaving. I got up off the bed and went over into the bathroom getting dressed. I got out and smiled happily at my Dad. I didn't see what the problem was. I don't even remember why I was here in the first place, but I was leaving so I had no complaints. We walked out of the room and I saw Angie and Christian, sitting there and smiled when I came out. I walked over to Angie first letting her smoother me to peices. Then over to Christian. He looked slightly worried but that was all washed away when I hugged him. He rocked me back and forth in his arms and I felt so content in that moment.

I glanced over my sholder seeing a boy with black hair and hazel eyes glaring at me. What the hell did I ever do to him?

"Great now that's she's all better can we go home?"
He grumbled crossing his arms.

"I beg your pardon but what the hell is your problem?"
I repeated his actions.

"My problem equals you."
He said dumbly and pointed at me.

"I don't even know you so how the fuck is that?"