‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints


Sipping on my tea and reading the latest issue of Vogue, I wondered when Jimmy was going to come back. He ran off mumbling something about needing a fix more than ever. I had simply shrugged my shoulders at him, telling him to do whatever it was that he needed to do.

The door to the house flew open, and a bewildered looking Gina stepped inside. She walked right up to me, a determined look on her face, "I wanna know more about my mom."

"Don't you think that's a discussion you should have with Christian or Jimmy? Your mom and I only got along on occassions," I responded calmly, raising my eyebrow at her and sighing. Gina simply shook her head, giving me a small grin.

"I need to know from you, Angie. You'll tell me straight out," with that I let out another sigh and set my items down, crossing my arms. Watching her closely and catching the determination in her face, I smiled a bit.

"Fine fine. Gloria was a beauty. I think what attracted us to her the most was her ability to be absolutely cheerful. No matter what shit any of us threw her way, she was so damn bright and cheerful. It was like she couldn't get enough of the sunshine. Gloria always tried to change Christian from what I understand, but I guess she finally succeeded. From then on those two just stuck together. I guess Gloria was just that ray of sun that Chris really needed to make him better. She got pregnant with his kid, and Christian ran away. More or less he was frightened. Anyway, they met up, and more or less got back together. Christian tried to prove how good he could do with a kid, and then shit just elevated. Gloria ran away to Jingletown, Christian didn't like how she ran away and left them alone. Needless to say, she ran to your dad and you're the love child of a hate affair gone wrong," I concluded with a careless shrug, watching as several emotions flashed in her eyes. Shaking her head, she gave me a small smile.

"I need your help Angie. I really do. I want to look like her, please." raising my eyebrow up at her again, I stretched and listened as my boots clicked against the wooden floor. The desperation in Gina's eyes wasn't going to leave, and I let out a small sigh. Standing up and sparking her interest, I nodded towards the stairs.

"Come on then," I mumbled, leading her up the wooden staircase. We stopped at her room, and I instructed her to put on any of the dresses in the chest, then walked over to my room to grab my make up, and curling iron. By the time I reached the room again, Gina all ready had a dress on and was waiting patiently for me to do my work.

I walked over to the dresser, setting the curling iron on it and plugging it in. While it was heating up, I walked over to Gina and gave her a small smile, "Ready to look like your mom kiddo?"

"Damn ready," Gina exclaimed pretty happily. Laughing, I walked over to my make up kit and removed some eyeliner along with a dark shade of red lipstick. I applied the eyeliner lightly underneath her eyes, then a little thicker on top. That was followed by a thick coat of red lipstick. Once that was finished, it was onto the curling iron. I curled each strand delicately, watching the transformation closely. By the time we were finished, I was terrified by how much she actually looked like Gloria. Her stunning eyes brought the whole look together, and it made the tears come to my eyes. She flew out of her seat, hugging me tightly and smiling at me. "Thank you so much Angie!"

"It's nothing, now go have some fun!" with that, I sent her flying down the stairs and towards Christian's house in a flury of energy. Laughing to myself, I looked down in the chest and caught sight of my pastel yellow dress along with my purpleish looking wig. Slipping the dress on and walking over to the mirror, I gently pulled the wig on, along with all of my old make up. A content smile found its way to my face, and I felt something inside me snap a little bit more.

Damn it, Gina. Damn you looking so much like Gloria!


Pulling another photo album down from the shelf, I let my hand run over the photos of Gloria and I. These were untouched for so long, the memories way too painful and still were. However, I felt the need to do this. Something was pulling me to it, no matter how many tears were going to fall.

Hearing a knock on my door, I walked over and opened it, my jaw hitting the porch, tears falling rapidly.
