‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints


I stepped forward and into the light. I felt so different, I think from looking like her I felt like her. I was in her dress, in her boots, I was her. I did dare say I word. I wanted to see how long it would take.

Christian carefully touched my face and looked at me bewildered. He frantically put me in a bone crushing hug. Was I really that unrecignizable? I hugged him back and just stood there smiling. I felt happier. I think the dress helped alot. The nice yellow tone and white flowers sewn on the bottom flared out from my legs. The boots were comfterble and worn in. I swear his eyes were looking though every square inch of me. He closed his eyes, putting a hand on the side of my face. He rubbed his nose through my hair, smelling me.

"Gloria, where have you been?"
I bit my lip not knowing what to say. What could I say? Ugh well I'm still dead! No, shit. Did my voice even sound like hers?

"I'm back now."
I answered confidently, smiling up at him. This persona I was playing, gave me such confidence, I wouldn't have the courage to pull something like this with out believeing that she was happy I was doing this. I was bring her back. And hopefully everyone would except it. And embrase it.

"Don't leave me, ever again."
His face was slowly leaning twords mine. His eyes shuttered closed. I froze up. His lips landed softly on mine and I felt a little bad that I didn't say I wasn't her sooner. Did he really think I was her? He must have missed her more than I even imagined for him to picture me being my mom. It was crazy this guy thought I was my mother. I wasn't my mom, nor could I ever begin to be her but if looks is what it took then I guess I was technically Gloria.

He opened his eyes, and picked me up. I let out a small squeel and he spun me in circles.
"God, I can't believe your back! We can go down to the junkyard like we use to, we can be a family again. Just like we use to."

"Yeah a family."
Family... Just what I always wanted but why did I fell so crummy? No! I couldn't be thinking negitivly! Stay positive like mom would of wanted! She was always cheery and happy, I had to keep that in mind. I can't be my downer self.

"Come on! Lets go!"
He placed on a hat and jacket, taking my hand, walking out the door with the biggest grin on his face I've ever seen in my life. I'm gonna need to keep this up or who knows what will happen.