‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Memories From Wasteland

"What do you mean get ready for a war?"
I jumped out of bed and ran over to Jason and Christian. Jason gave me his slimy grin and rubbed his hands together.

"Nice to see you too Gloria, it's been a while."
I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut the fuck up, tell us what's going on."
Christian spat back.

"Well all us scumbags decided that it's time to give all you saints your just deserts. Looks to be Jimmy was the last bullet in the gun to set off a couple of gangs down the road that were good friends with him. So just be prepared."
He blinked walking down the stairs. He reached the door turning the knob, looking back at us.

"Remember in the crowd of pain, St. Jimmy comes without any shame."
He dispeared shutting the door behind him. I bit my lip looking to Christian.

"What do we do?"

"We fight back."
He looked so serious, more serious then i've seen in a long time. This seriously was a war, and whether or not we wanted it to come to this, it was bound to happen. The gangs in Oakland and Jingle Town were combining forces and we were all alone in our battle. Just me and Christian. I wasn't willing to drag anyone else into this, so we were the only ones. Our children would not be part of this or if they already were, they were on the other side.

"Lets go out and get some fresh air."
I pulled on Christians hand, draggin him down the stairs.

"I don't know Gloria. They're just out there waiting for us, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do."
He stopped looking unsure of himself.

"I have the city's biggest pyro by my side, if that's not enough, then I don't know what is."
He smirked giving me a side hug. He placed on his hat and jacket. I tugged on my boots and jacket as well. We walked down the porch steps, locking the door behind us. I hadn't had use for a jacket in so long. I always wore dresses in Mexico. It was hot there and while it was nice and food and booze was cheep, it was a dirty desperate place to be. I helped at a foster home for children. I'd walk alone on the dusty roads, thinking about my family. I drank a while bottle of tequila the first day I got there. And it wasn't pleasent. I had weird hallusigant dreams. I fell asleep in the sand and lizards were crawling on my body. And I would always have the weird dreams, until now. They've stopped. The dream was that I would always be wondering down a warped hallway opening doors, looking for something. But I never knew what I was searching for.

"Glory, what where your going."
I side stepped onto the curb and almost lost my footing. I was about to step into the street and a car went rushing past me.

"What's up with you?"
Christian pulled me to a stop looking me in the eyes.

"I, I'm just a little lost, mostly reminising on the times in Mexico, but I'm fine."
I grabbed my head. A booming head ache coming my way.

"What happened when you were down there anyway?"
We started walking again and turned into the junkyard. We sat down on the rusty car, before I decided to talk again.

"Well, I went and walked into the desert and kept walking until I was totally drained and came across a foster home. It was litertly in the middle of the desert. It was so run down, they barely had enough money to keep it from falling appart. Refugees would run there for shelter. It was a total mess. So I offered to stay and help. There wasn't one day that I felt like I was safe, or relaxed. I would sometimes drink myself to sleep. Wondering how people lived like this. But I took everything with the best intention anyway, to help them, cause they needed it. The kids, Christian you should have saw them. They were boney and you could see their ribs. The foster home, they thought it was haunted, but that was the least of their problems. I would hear noises in the night. Slaming of doors, children crying, screaming, yelling, scraping noises. It was horrible. I could really hear foot steps walking around my room. But I figured it was the kids scared y'know. I'd never go back there again. Nothing but wasteland."
I looked up into the sky, the sun was setting and the wind blew around us. There was silence, I looked over to Christian seeing him sitting there looking down at the car hood.

"What's wrong?"