‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints


Swiftly, Christian and Gloria were knocked out, and a slow grin came over my face as Gina’s arms were thrown around my neck. Turning towards her, her lips pouted out and resembled Whatsername’s, “Promise me you won’t let Iggy touch me.”

“Wouldn’t dream about it,” with that, I silenced her thoughts and snapped my fingers. Serenity and Ozzy picked the two up rather easily, following our swift steps as we marched into Jingletown, our boots pounding against the sidewalk in some form of psychotic sounds.

Iggy’s place came up sooner than we actually planned, and a nervous feeling rumbled throughout my stomach. Christian and Gloria had woken up when we were half way there, kicking and cussing us out all the while we walked. Gina was pulled so close to me that I was sure she was trying to bury herself into my side. I pushed the feeling away though, and marched straight into his doorway.

“Well well, Glory and Gina, you came back!” his hand reached out for Gloria, and out of nowhere a pair of boots kicked him in the face, causing a glare to form on both mine and Gina’s faces.

“And just how in the fuck did you escape jail.”