‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Get Out Of Here

"Don't you ever try to touch my mother again! You fucking get me?!"
Zack shouted in Iggy's face as he layed on the ground groaning. A certian pride swelled up in me. I couldn't help but be proud in my little boy. Zack ran over to us and I threw my arms around him.

"They didn't hurt you did they?"
He asked. I shook my head, not allowing tears to get out.

"No, no they didn't."
I gave him a peck on the cheek. After I released him Christian took Zack in his arms and hugged him. Iggy's chuckle echoed through out the room. I looked down at him. His mouth a bloody mess and he slowly rised to his knees.

"Bravo young Zackary. What a sweet tender family moment. FUCK! You discust me."
He spit out blood rising to his feet. There was a certain vibe Iggy gave you, that it just scared the living day lights out of you. It was erri feeling.

"Fuck you."
Christian walked forward, keeping a firm grip on both Zack and mine's arms.

"Going to play hero now Christian? Thought you learned from the first time I kicked you around. But your scared ass started a fire. And that started your sick obsession. Dirty little habit, I'll tell you."
Iggy leaned in to Christian whisper the last two phrases. Christian jerked twords him with a fist, aimed twords his face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Iggy smirked at him, reaching in his pocket he pulled out a little ribbon. I squinted my eyes then ran twords him, being hold back by a boy with shaggy long hair.

"Such a tender little trinket it is, what's the cost of loosing it?"
He stroked the ribbon, raising an eyebrow looking twords Christian.

"Don't listen to him! I don't give a shit! Lets just go!"
I shouted, trying to free myself.

"Dad, come on, we can't afford to fuck with anyone right now."
Zack added in, walking twords me.

"Who said you could leave?"
Iggy's voice raised. He snapped his fingers and we were all pushed down the hall and into an empty bedroom. He slamned the door closed and locked it. Christian started rushing twords the door and smacking into it with his sholder, but it didn't budge.

"I can't stand it! We have to get out of here!"
I scratched at the walls, my already short nails, peeling at the wallpaper. Such bad memories in this room. Mainly the night I got free from this hell hole, and Jimmy saved me. I also was forced to do something dirty, discusting in here. I kicked in the walls, continuing to wear down my nails and continue to stratch. I'd get out of here if it's the last thing I do.