‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Home Never Leaves

I walked down from the hallway, knowing Iggy was gonna kill me after he found out that they escaped. I stepped onto a creeky floor board and let out a loud wail.

"Stop right there!"
Sweat beads were running down my forehead and I shut my eyes tight, letting my foot hang in the air while Iggy stomped over.

"Where the fuck are they? Hmmm?"
He breathed his alcohol ridden breath in my ear. When I didn't respond he pushed me over and I flew to the floor. My eyes widdened as he bent down and looked me in the eyes, getting right up close and personal in my face.

"If you don't get them back here by tomorrow night, I'm gonna fucking kill you."
I blinked and he walked away down the hallway. I layed on the floor, stunned. I had no clue where they were, obviously they weren't in Murder City or Jingle Town. The thugs would have caught them by now. I bit my lip looking around, quickly I went down the stairs to the basement and ran twords the hole in the wall. Taking one step out I felt a hand grab onto my sholder.

"Gina where the hell are you going?"

"I'm going to find them if it's the last thing I do."


Rubbing my hands together over the burning barrel I pulled my fingerless gloves on tighter around my hands. I licked my chapped lips and gazed over at Christian sitting down on the bench across the street with Zack, looking up rooms for rent. We couldn't get any connections here. No one knew us, and we knew no one. We were on our own here. Whatsername was down the road, grabbing us a bite to eat. I rubbed my arms as the snow started falling from the sky. I looked up blinking as the flakes rested on my lashes. Quickly melting onto my flushed cheeks. Looking both ways before crossing the street I ran over to Christian and Zack.

"Did you find anything yet?"

"Found one place but they only have 2 bedrooms."
Christian read off, looking up at me with an unsure look.

"Well if it's all we can find then it'll have to do for now."
My teeth chattered as I looked around for Whatsername.

"Don't worry I can sleep on the couch."
Zack laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. His breath a light smoky effect escaping his lips.

"That's if they even have a couch."
Christian chuckled. I smiled at them, looking up I saw Whatsername jogging over to us with her arms full of bags and steaming hot cups.

"Okay so I got some hot chocolate and muffins, all they had was breakfast foods!"
She gave us a sheepish smile passing out the food. I took my cup eagerly and sipped down a generous amount. I sighed content for the moment.

"Where's that apartment Christian?"

"Down the road a block."

"Lets go check it out."
I nodded into the direction. Zack and Christian got up and we all headed twords the building. It took about 10 minutes to get there and when we did get to the building I squinted up at it. It looked old and warn. There were some stairs heading up the stoop in front. I took the first move and stopped at the door.

"What's the room number?"
I asked.

Christian answered me back. I could hear his teeth chattering. His spiky hair was poking out at odd angles underneth his hat and he was tugging on his jacket. He pushed me out of my daze, literly pushing me into the building. Whatsername and Zack hurring inside as well. I came into a room, must have been the offices where you rented your rooms, cause there was chairs and entables. They were out of date and out of this century. I walked over to a lady standing behind a counter.

"Bates, how may I help you?"
Her nasily accented voice droned.

"We're here to rent room 13."

"Here's the key. We'll bill you in the following month."
She handed over a single key and went back to her better homes and gardens magazine. I turned around and shrugged. Christian pointed over to the elevator and we went inside and up to the second floor. Getting out we rounded the corner and found our room. 13. Pulling the door open it reeked of coffee and disinfectant. There was a couch and arm chair and rabbit eared tv in a tiny room next to an even tinier kitchen. And two 3 doors which I assumed where the bathroom and bedrooms. We all hurried in and locked it behind us.

"Well I'll get the couch."
Zack nodded walking over plopping on the couch, letting out a small cry. We ran over as he sat up feeling his behind.

"What's wrong?"
I gently placed a hand on his sholder.

"I think I just got stabbed by a spring."
Zack groaned laying down once more, closing his eyes.

"Home sweet, fucking home huh?"
Christian laughed shaking his head.