‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Green Eyed Monster

“Jason, what the fucking hell are you doing here?” scoffing and twirling my pack of cigs between my fingers, I stooped down to pick up the little black kitty. Its eyes pierced me, but I just gave it a calm smile as I held it close to my chest. Purring, I felt its scratchy tongue lick my neck.

“I came here to tell you your fucking daughters a whack job,” I grumbled out, sitting on the table in the middle of the room much to everyone’s dismay. Gloria was giving me a death glare, but I tried to push it back.

I was used to the bitches looks anyways.

“Well, I think we all knew that,” Chris piped up from the other side of the room, keeping a safe distance between us as Zack analyzed me from the couch. Sending him a glare, I gave him a good shove with my boot.

“Fuck you analyzing, fire bug?”

“Not much, old man.”

“Fuck you.”

“You’re not that good looking.”

“STOP IT!” Gloria screeched at us, knocking me straight off the table with a good shove. Glaring up at her and rubbing my head, I watched as the kitty hissed and retreated into Chris’ arms.

“Fuck has gotten your panties in a bunch?”

“She wears granny panties. Angie’s the one with the sexy ones,” Zack commented from the couch, a small growl erupting from Gloria’s throat as she pulled at her hair.

“You need to get the fuck out of this apartment, you disgusting, VIAL boy.” she growled out between gritted teeth, causing me to cross my arms as I sat up.

“Why don’t you shut your Whorey little mouth, Glory?” her eyes turned icy at the use of Jimmy’s words, and before anyone could say anything else, the door bust open, a panting Gina standing in the door way. She made a charge right at her mother, causing me to spring up in her way.

My head hit the ground, and everything went black.