‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Not This Time

I walked down the hallway, not bothering with the screams and insults Christian was screaming at me. Shoving him out of my way, I wrapped my arms around Gloria and buried my face in her shoulder. Hesitantly, she returned the gesture and let out a small sigh. “Mom..I’m so so so so so so sorry!”

My cries weren’t heard as they were vibrated through her shoulder and up to her cheeks. She kissed my head softly, pulling me closer and giving Christian a dirty look as he cursed me out once more. Everything was building up in me, and I shut my eyes tightly. “Mom, I want you and Jimmy back together…please. I want a family.”


Watching the reunion left a sick taste in my mouth, and it made my stomach swirl. I didn’t want to stay here. If Gloria wanted a happy mother fucking family, she could have it. I was done waiting around for her to choose me. I was done with these fucking games.

Punching the wall and heading into the room, I gave anybody in my way a good shove. Grabbing my shit, I escaped out the window and walked down the street.

Fuck this, I’m done.