‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

Daughter of Rage and Love

"Hell yeah! Lets blow this dump."
I ginned jumping over the counter. That Jinx girl squeeled with laughter and ran out of the store. I looked back and saw the guy slowly round the counter walking over to me.

"Gina, at your service."
I smirked holding out my hand.

"Zack, pyro extrodinar."
He gave me a lop sided grin, shaking my hand. My hand got a jolt of electricity shot up it. It felt like i just stuck my hand in a socket. I took my hand away from his, letting it drop to my side. Giving out a laugh, I starting walking out the door. Zack following behind me.

"We can hang at my house for a bit. Christian's probibly got some good booze out by now."
Zack thought out loud and started walking down the sidewalk. I followed quickly beside him. Christian, where have I heard that name before....Chrisitan...

"Who's Christian?"
I asked, kicking a rock down the sidewalk.

"My father."
His tone, I couldn't reciginize but something in there was it hurt? Anger? Still, I know a Christian somewhere. I know I actually haven't met one, but I just know that, I know, y'know?

We kept walking and we came up to this piss yellow looking bungalow house. It had cracked brick pillars. House was filthy, but a charm to it. Dead flowers and some just starting to bud. Zack led me though the door and I followed him in. I walked in to seeing a man hanging upside down on a couch fiddling with a guitar. I grinned remembering my guitar I left back home.

"Hey, we have company try not to scare her away."
Zack walked up taking a seat, directing the statement twords this odd man. Something in my gut felt like I really knew this man. Somewhere anywhere I knew him. Where did I remember him from?!

The man just lay there and finally looked up, at me. His eyes went wide and he scrambled off the couch to hovering over me.



"How did you know my mother!?"
He looked back at me shocked, if his eyes could get any wider they would be.

"Your mother?! Who are you?!"

"I'm her daughter, Gina."

And I looked over seeing both this man and Zack stare at me wide eyed, jaws dropped to the floor.
