‹ Prequel: Lost In The Fire
Sequel: Closed Away

Charlatans And Saints

I Don't Feel Any Shame

“Are you STUPID?! Wait no, don’t answer that. That’s rhetorical,” I sneered out at the timid girl in front of me. The purple bowl from the kitchen was laying on the other side of the room, the damage all ready done on my beautiful fire. Standing up and walking over to her, I was surprised when she didn’t back down at all.

“I’m stupid? You’re the one sitting in here, inhaling smoke and staring at a stupid fucking fire! You can burn this whole damn house down!” she snapped back at me, causing my eyes to narrow at her. Jinx was the only one who talked to me using swear words, not some stupid bitch I didn’t want to know.

“You know, why don’t you return to Iggy’s little whore house, you dumb slut?” I snapped once again, giving her a rough shove and sending her tumbling into the hallway. I wasn’t in the mood for anyone shit today, I just wanted to be alone and maybe light some of Christian’s stuff on fire. Yeah, that always made me feel better.

“You’re so stupid!” she snapped at me once again, giving me an equally hard shove back. I pushed her hard again, sending her tumbling down the stairs and straight into Jason’s arms. Our eyes locked, glares filling the room.

“You’re father’s hearing about this, Zack. You’re going back to anger management,” Jason growled at me, gently pushing Gina up and allowing her to run out of the house. Stomping back to my room, I let out a loud ‘fuck you’ and slammed my door shut.


It probably should’ve bugged me a lot more that Gina was going to be staying with us, but it didn’t. I wasn’t naïve or stupid, I knew that Jimmy missed having his kid near him. When Gloria ran away it tore him apart, the pride always in his eyes whenever he looked at Gina.

She looked so much like her mother…

Jimmy was lounging around on the couch as I busied myself in the kitchen, rubbing at my arm and letting out a light sigh. Two uncarved pumpkins sat on the counter, and a huge smile found its way to my face as Gloria--I mean Gina walked through the door, clearly upset.

“Who wants to carve pumpkins?!”