Perfect Imperfections


I woke up in Mikey's bed with the biggest hangover I'd ever had in my life. I groaned loudly and felt something beside me squirm. It was probably just Mikey, so I shrugged it off. I got out of bed, and just a bit too quickly, I might add, because I got dizzy and my head throbbed.

"AH! MOTHERFUCKING SHITWADS!!" I yelled and realized that I also had a sore throat. What the fuck went on last night?

"Nyaaaagh!" Mikey yelled back. Or who I thought was Mikey.

"Shut the shit up..." I muttered, mostly to myself.

"Mmph!" he mumbled and rolled over.

Dide he dye his hair? It looks darker than usual...

"Hey, did you dye your hair?" I asked.

"No, why?" he replied. Wait a second, that's not Mikey's voice...

I screamed, "WHO ARE YOU??!?!"

"I'm Fraaaaank!" He screamed back.

"What the shit are you doing here?!" I screeched.

He sat up, "Well, Gerard, you were completely shitfaced last night, threw up, had me tell you a story and sing to you, and then I fell asleep."

"YOU'RE A RAPER!!!" I yelled and ran out of the room. "Mikey!!"

"Whaaaat???" Mikey, yes it was actually him this time, whined.

"There's a creeper in your room!! And he was in the bed with me this morning!" I pouted.

Mikey laughed, "Gerard, that's just Frank. He's not a creeper. You two were cuddling."

My mouth opened in disbelief and Mikey kept laughing.

"Go get some asprin, I know you need it." He said.

I pouted and went into the kitchen, stepping over various passed out kids, and got 4 asprin. I drank some water and downed the asprin. Why the fuck do these things take so long to work?
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Tehee!! :D Well, SilverPlague, this one's for you. Because you gave me such a pweeeeeety comment!! :D Props to you is you know where I got "Raper" from!!! :D xD I'll give you a hint, "Holy Santa Claus shit!!"