Perfect Imperfections

Thumb Sucker

I am SO not a raper!! God, Gerard is fucking crazy. He was so cute when he was sleeping, though. His hair was everywhere on the pillow, and just a small strand fell over his left eye. His mouth was slightly open, but he wasn't drooling. His nose was all scrunched up like a bunny, too. Okay, Gerard is officially the most adorable sleeper ever.

I wonder how many kids slept here. I wonder if Bob did... Hmm...I'll have to go find him. I threw the big comforter off my body and felt a coldness on my legs. Nonetheless, I got up and went on a search for my best friend. I opened several random doors before finding Bob curled up on the couch. I giggled at him. Maybe Bob was the most adorable sleeper ever. Because he was sucking his thumb. I walked over to the couch and bent over him.

"Bob, wake up," I whispered.

"No mommy! Five more minutes! I'll be good, I promise!" He muttered.

I burst out laughing, and fell onto the floor, causing a loud thud, and waking Bob up.

"Who what were how...HUH??" He cried while looking around. He spotted me laughing on the ground and asked what was so funny.

"You -laugh- were suck -laugh- ing your -loud laugh- thumb!!" I told him.

He grumbled something along the lines of, "Shut up, Frank, mother fucker."

I giggled, "And you called me 'Mommy'!!! Hahahaha!!"

"You're a dick!" He yelled and threw a pillow at me.

"Oh but you want my dick, Bobbert!" I reminded him as I struck a pose.

He laughed, "Frank, I'm only telling you this because I love you, don't be a model."

We both laughed and I got up and sat on the couch with him, "My mom is gonna be so pissed that I wasn't home last night."

"If it makes you feel any better, my mom is gonna be pissed at me too," Bob consoled me.

I sighed a loud, over dramatic sigh and flopped onto his lap. Just then Gerard walked in and gave me a weird look.

"Are you sure you didn't rape me?" He asked.

"Did you wake up naked and bleeding?" I retorted.

"No," He replied.

"Then no, I am not a rapist. I promise. Ask Bob. Well, no don't ask Bob. Because he'll tell you that I rape him all the time. However, you cannot rape the willing! So HA, Bobbert!" I rambled.

Bob mouthed, "Help me!" and Gerard laughed.

"You guys are cute together," He said with a smile.

Bob scrunched his face up in disgust, "Eww!! Frankward is not my boyfriend! We do NOT like each other like that!"

"Speak for yourself," I giggled and shrugged.

"It feels weird when you shrug in my lap," Bob stated.

"It feels weird when you braid my hair," I shot back.

"Touche`, Sir Frankward, touche`, " He gave in.

Gerard laughed again. "Best friends?" He asked.

"Forever and ever!" I giggled.

"Since first grade when I destroyed Frankie-doodle's play dough monster!" Bob replied proudly.

I laughed, "It was supposed to be a dog, Bobbert!"

"I'm a cat person," Bob shrugged.
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I love this chapter!! :D It's one of my favorites :D Comment and subscribe! Hell, send me friend requests and YOUR stories, too! :D