Perfect Imperfections


Goddamn school! I got a detention today. For chewing fucking gum!!! Do teachers think that gum is illegal or something? I swear, they're all homophobes! It wasn't scheduled until Thrusday, though. It's only Tuesday. least I don't have homework. On the bus ride home, the usual flock of girls annoyed the piss out of me.

"Frankie, will you sit with me today?" they all asked. Every time my answer was no. I always sat with Bob.

It's always the same, they drool over me and I drool over Bob. I have a crush on him. A big one. But he has no idea. An he's straight, so it would never work out.

"Bobbert, my dear, I believe the stalkers are beaconing to me again. Kindly tell them to shut the fuck up, will you?" I said as I sat next to him in the blue bus seat.

"Yes, my Frankward, I will," he agreed and shouted at the silly girls, "Frank does not like you!!! He is mine. So shut the motherfuck up!!!"

Of course, I wasn't really his. But he acts so gay sometimes, that I actually begin to feel a glimmer of hope for our relationship. And then I remember that he's straight as a ruler. The girls all turned to face the front after being told off by Bob.

"Thank you," I thanked him.

"Welcome, dude. What did you make on your science test?" he wondered.

"A 75," I replied with a grin.

"Frank, you really should study more. I got 105," he scolded me. Bob was always the smart one. He somehow managed to get extra credit on everything. And when he wasn't being an acedemic genius, he was killing at drums.

"You know I got better things to do than memorize shit that I don't need to know. I'm gonna be a rockstar, I don't need a damn education," I ranted.

"When you become a rockstar, I'm fucking you first," he joked. Only a joke. It's always only a joke.

"No, Bob. I'm the guitarist, therefore fuck you," I reminded him playfully.

The rest of the bus ride was spent air guitaring and drumming me and Bob. I was sad when he got off. At least we only live a block apart. I can see him whenever I want.
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Comment!!! Today, everyone was hugging me. And it's not even a free hug day!!! Like, this morning on my bus, this guy named Chancler sat next to me and just hugged me. For a long time too. I mean, I hugged back, but it was a bit odd. And my bff Alex hugged me too. He's pretty fly for a Jedi. If you listen to Weird Al, you'll get that :)