Perfect Imperfections


Mikey always has this way of making people smile when all they want to do is cry. Like, for instance, now. He's making me play Twister with him. It's extremely awkward, but it's making me smile a lot.

"Right foot red!" Mikey called out and placed his right foot on a red dot. In order for myself to place my own foot on a red dot, I had to sit on Mikey's back. To an outsider, that must've looked very... What's the word? Ah yes, incestous. But, I assure you, it was merely two brothers being silly.

"Uh, Mikes..." I trailed off.

"Left hand blue!!!!" Mikey screamed in response. In order to put my left hand on a blue dot, I had to reposition myself in a backbend while keeping my right foot on red and my left hand on blue. Mikey had to crawl underneath me.

"Mikey... Um, what's the point of this?" I asked my younger brother.

He laughed, "Point? There is no point whatsoever!! But, if it's making you happy," I snickered, "and don't even laugh, Gee. 'Cause I know a bunch of girls that would kill to play Twister with me. And I would drop you like a hot potato for them."

"I'm sorry, Mikey. It was just too perverted not to laugh at," I giggled.

"Whatevs," he spun the Twister wheel, "Oooh...This is gonna be a difficult one. Left foot yellow!!!"

I groaned and slid my left underneath Mikey--which was very difficult as he was under me--and we both toppled over, laughing like madmen.

"Gee,'' giggle, "did you see," giggle, "us t-topple ov-ver?"

I giggled as well, "Yep. S-sure did! You sh-shoulda seen y-your face!!" We both exploded into the biggest fit of giggles I'd ever witnessed, or took part of. We calmed down after a few minuites, though.

"You wanna invite some people over?" Mikey asked.

"It's your house getting trashed, dude, not mine," I reminded him.

"Party it is, then! I'm gonna call Billie Joe and Mike. They'll probably tell everyone else about it, so it's gonna be one hell of fiesta!" he decided.

"Well, I'm gonna go take a siesta, then," I said and headed for the couch.
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Hehe :) HUGH JACKMAN GETS NAKED IN X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE!!!!!!!!!!! Just so you guys know :) Comment\Subscribe!