Status: on pause for a moment

I'm Not What You Think


The wind breaking at her face she kept walking, her head bent down with her arms pulling her coat to cover up.
"Aww come one baby come back I thought we weren't finished?" Turning around while walking backwards she stuck her middle finger out and cursed.
"Screw you."
People in the neighborhood were getting ready to go inside as they saw the scene. Commenting to one another they knew what had just happened.
"Well she belongs to the Stones family. You know she's the messed up one."
"Some say she does drugs, but who knows right?"
Stopping in her tracks she looked up at the people and growled and snapped back.
"Well what the hell you looking at huh? I don't stand here staring at ya asses all day now go turn around and mind your business.
As she tried to walk again a police car stopped her at the corner. A uniformed cop came out and spoke to her.
"Jazzy...why do I always see your face at this time?"
"I don't know but keep it up Raymond and I can take this as a stalking crime."
"Jazzy you're disturbing this neighborhood, why aren't you home? Know what don't answer that just get in the car."
Rolling her eyes she did as she was told. The back seat of the police car, she has been in it many times before. The ride wasn't long, she only stepped about three blocks away to make it to the boys house.
"Come on Jazzy I'm sure your parents are worried."
"Oh yes because they love me so much." Walking her to the door Jazzy stepped in front of him as to block his way.
"Tell me, what is it that you like? Good girls or the bad ones? I say me and you can make it pretty good what do you think? You like it rough or gentle Raymond?"
"It's officer DelRosa to you Jazzy, now let's get you inside."
"You're no fun. One day though me and you just wait and see."
"I can take you to jail Jazzy."
"Then that means more time with you."
Ringing the bell officer DelRosa awaited as her parents came to the door.
"Hello officer, nice to you see you again, and I see your brought our daughter home, again."
"Yes mother I came home again just for you but there is something I should tell you, me and Raymond here are getting married! Yes he has confessed his dying love to me."
"Get inside Jazzy." Her father pulled her in. Keeping her arm in his hand he said goodnight to the officer. Her mother was the first one to scream.
"Jazzy what the hell went wrong with you? Are you doing drugs or something that you need to act like a whore?"
"Marie please stop yelling at her."
"No I'm tired of her shit Greg, out every night, she barely goes to school now..." Approaching her Marie slapped Jazzy in her face. Hitting her until she felt no more out of her, she noticed her daughter was on the floor not moving.
"Great Marie don't even bother to help our daughter right? Lets beat her senseless until she dies is that what you want?"
"I want our family back but she is ruining it, like she doesn't even care."
Jazzy's father picked her up from the floor, carrying her now to the other side of the house he pushed her door open and laid her on the bed. Pushing her hair back he kissed her on the head.
"Jazzy what happened to you baby girl? You used to be ok, now things have gone wrong, wish you would come back."
Leaving her room and gently closed the door and back to his wife. Leading her up the stairs they prepared for sleep. Jazzy woke from her painful slumber, feeling the blood at the corner of her mouth she wiped it off. Stripping of her clothes she took her towel and moved to the far side of her room towards the bathroom. Turning the shower on and stepping in she let her hair soak first then the rest of her body. Crying during her shower was her routine, her life felt the same and she didn't understand why. No she knew why, she just wished there was some way it could change. No one was there to help her, because that's what she needed help.
Her father knew what was happening and he cared more then her mother did, but she couldn't expect to go to her father, that would be horrible. Scrubbing away the dirt she felt was there she continued with the shower. Till her body became red is when she stopped the scrubbing and cooled the water down.
She knew she was wild, she liked it but now, now she felt something else and she has to search for it now.