Status: on pause for a moment

I'm Not What You Think


"Jazzy wake up your going to be late for school like always." Her mother screamed from deep within the house. She placed the pillow over her head to block out any further yelling. Wanting to just stay in bed she gave up. Throwing the pillow on the floor she pushed back her covers and stretched.
"Don't make me to tell you twice now get up."
"You see me up don't you? Go drink your coffee I think your period came again."
"I don't get my period no more and don't back sass me."
"Oh sorry I mistook your menopause for your daily bitchy attitude."
Marie was going to hit her once more but her father came in time to kiss her on the cheek and guide her to the coffee.
"Good morning Jazzy, hurry and get dressed before you're late to school."
She stared at the scene that happened and wanted to scream back. Instead she started to use the bathroom and then dress. Putting on her black jeans, she walked over toward her closet hoping to find a shirt. The only one she can find was a deep red one with a skull and the cross going through it. She put on her silver chains thats ran to her stomach, silver studded earrings in the shape of a star. Ruffling her hair a bit she took her shoes from the floor and began putting them on. Jazzy had 10 pairs of converse, her other clothes were for the night when she was adventurous. Taking her gray trench coat off her lounge chair she put it on, picked up her bookbag and made way for the door.
"Have a good day at school."
"Make sure you don't go to detention again I'm tired of being called at my job because of you."
Jazzy never looked back nor bothered to say goodbye, she prepared to walk two miles to school. A car started to drive up beside her, she knew its presence was their so she decided to take out her mp3 player.
"Hey Jazzy need a ride, it would cost you though." Noticing him from school she turned to him and walked.
"Really? What's my price?" His girlfriend finally spoke up in protest.
"Stay away from my man Jazzy we don't need you ruining it."
"I can throw your girlfriend in also if she would just let me. When are you going to let me do something Stephanie I'm tired of waiting." Jazzy started to laugh and watched as the car pulled away from her.
She kept walking even though her feet were starting to sore, she complained in her head because she can walk this distance in heels but never in converse. Once again a car pulled up beside her and this time she didn't want to stop.
"WHAT!?" Noticing who it was she felt a pang of guilt for screaming, then again she needed it so she didn't say sorry.
"Get in the car I'll take you to school."
Jonathan was her co-worker at her father's diner. Her father doesn't neccesarily work there but she takes over for him. Getting in the car her feet felt a bit of relief to be off the ground.
"Why do you insist on walking to school when I can drive you?, I do live four houses down from you."
"Thanks Johnny but I'm ok."
"I didn't ask that."
"Look because you work with me doesn't mean we are friends, or for that matter classmates."
"Actually we are all my classes are with you."
"Shut up." Jonathan stood quiet, he didn't want to aggravate her anymore, he just wanted to help. The two miles were up and Jazzy sighed out in joy. To get out of his stuffy car and into a stuffy school wasn't her idea of escaping but it was probably better then being in his car she thought.
"Your welcome Jazzy." He shooked his head and tried to understand her. Working with her for a year and he still didn't understand anything about her none the less to say he didn't know anything about her. Parking his car he got out closing the door, he watched Jazzy walk to the school and he wondered if she did her late night activities everyday. Almost everyone knew about her and what she did, his was by accident, he had a customer ask him for Jazzy's number and ended up being told her story. He heard other stories about her, obsured ones. He never believed them, the only parts that were ever the same was her night life.
"Hey Jonathan stop staring, she isn't coming back man."
"I know Mark, I was just wondering though..."
"Wondering what she would be like in bed? She has to be infested man I mean come on."
"Stop talking about her she isnt bad, maybe that's her version of fun. I don't know what she does."
"Ask her."
"Are you crazy? Have you been taking drugs?" Walking towards their first period class, he started to whisper.
"One that's rude, two it's just plain rude man I can't do that." Now in the classroom he stopped talking about it and looked at her. She was in the back of the classroom with her head down.
"Roll call; Jonathon Ravings?"
"Jazzy Concorl?" Waiting for an answer she repeated once more. "Jazzy Concorl?"
"Maybe she is still having sex with every guy in town Mrs.Robins she can't help it."
Raising her head Jazzy prepared to answer back.
"Oh Stephanie I forgot to say this but I did have sex with your man last night, also with your father so when you go home tell your dad I asked about him, he was a good enough lay, your mom wanted in also but backed out in the end." The oo's were passed around like a secret note.
"That's enough Jazzy you didn't have to say that."
"Did you sleep with her Jeff?"
Silence filled the classroom, Jonathan looked at Jazzy hoping it wasn't true, but Jazzy was studying Jeff. "Go ahead Jeff, tell her how you called out my name instead of hers."
"Oh my god Jeff please tell me you didn't have sex with her."
"Of course not Steph are you crazy? Babe I love you."
"OKAY OKAY! Enough of this drama, if I wanted acting I would have been a drama teacher. Take out your books it's history time."
After class Jeff waited for Jazzy to leave. Pushing her aside he slammed her against the wall and wrapped his hand around her neck.
"Listen to me, don't you ever talk about that shit again, what Steph don't know it won't hurt her, make that the last time you pull that stunt."
"Tell your lap dog to keep her mouth shut then." He banged her head on the wall to prove his point.
"Shut up, you don't mean anything Jazzy just a used up piece of meat we take a dab at, your filthy and always will be now keep your mouth shut like I told you too."
Letting her fall to the floor he punched the wall and walked towards class.
Jonathan having witnessed the whole scene went to her aid.
"You okay Jazzy?" Her head was bent low as the tears fell from her eyes, never sniffling she wiped at her face and looked up at him.
"I'm peachy now get away from me." He helped her up from the floor and waited for her to say something. Instead she fixed herself and walked away. He ran up to her and stopped her.
"Get your hands off of me."
"Why can't you say thank you? Is that like a diseased word or something?"
"Get off of me Jonathan or I'll punch you."
"Yeah kind of like how you punched Jeff right?"
"Screw you, I don't need your shit either." Feeling bad for even saying what he told her he ran up to her again and stopped her, this time not laying a hand on her.
"Let me check your neck please, he could have hurt you badly."
"I don't need a medic Johnny boy, I need to get away." He noticed they were the only ones in the hall way, knowing he was late he took her under the light and examined her neck.
"You're going to bruise probably know that one, if it continues to hurt two days after please let me know."
"Yea sure, I have to go I'm already late as it is."
"I know, we do have the same class."
"Do I really have the same schedule with you?"
"Yea I noticed you in all of them that's the only reason why I know we have the same classes, say how tall are you?"
She didn't answer right away, she kept hoping he would stop talking to her, but she saw he was waiting for an answer.
"I'm 5'7"."
Jazzy rolled her eyes and kept walking to class.