Status: on pause for a moment

I'm Not What You Think


"Hey Mark, are you busy?"
"Nope what happened?"
"Just wanted to give you a heads up, don't call me tonight."
"Why not? What if something important happens to me?"
"Oh well save it for tomorrow."
"Are you ditching me? Yeah you are!"
"No I'm not, I just have a date tonight."
"With who, if it isn't with me then who?"
Jonathan laughed at him, hesitating to answer.
"Well I have a date with...with Jazzy."
"Stop lying! You and Jazzy? What is she going to do take your virginity away and that's it?"
"No can you stop that. It's an actual date, stop bashing her."
" what you going to do take her to a porno store?."
"Bye mark."
He laughed at Jonathan, contemplating whether to take him serious or not.
"Ok, ok I'll stop, what are you going to today then?"
Jonathan tightly wrapped the towel around his waist. Going over to his dresser for his boxer briefs.
"I'm going to take her to my cousins bakery, just us two."
"A little wine and dessert is that what this is? You cheat on me for a woman...I thought we had something special Jonathan."
"I'm sorry but I think its time for us to move on Mark, I'm so in love with you that I need time away from you."
"Ouch...naw but that's cool I mean a few desserts then what, because it's really starting to sound rate PG my friend."
"I don't know, haven't really thought about it, maybe I'll just go with the flow afterwords."
"Aw my little ex-boyfriend is all grown up." They started laughing but Jonathan kept feeling creeped out.
"Ok dude foreal you're creeping me out with that so please stop." Mark laughed at him.
"Ok, ok so do you know what your going to wear?"
"Yea but I have to go if I want to pick her up tonight."
"OK handsome, love you sweetie and have fun, think about me."
"Ok foreal you have to stop that." He heard Mark laugh then he hung up. Putting on his boxers, he went back to his dresser to pull out his black pants. He had his purple shirt already taken out along with his purple converse. He started to dress when he noticed he didn't know what to do with his hair.
Running his fingers through it he saw it came up to his ears in a long wavy mop. He decided to just leave it alone, air dry. Five minutes to eight he went downstairs and saw his father watching TV.
"Hey dad, I'm going out."
"Where you going?"
"I have a date dad."
"We'll discuss that another day." Leaving his house he walked over to his car that was parked in front of his house.
His trip wasn't long since he live only four houses away. Double parking he took a moment to relax the crawling feeling in his stomach, he created a bit of courage while walking towards her door, little did he notice she was sitting on the steps waiting.
"Oh...why are you outside?"
"Last thing I need is you ringing my door bell and them seeing you."
"Oh..." He helped her up from the stairs leading her to his car, opening up her side of the car he waited till she got in. He went in his side wanting to turn on the radio.
"Where are we going?"
He never answered, just sitting back driving, through the town as the lights were coming on. She has seen the town before but she was always cold and walking alone. Jonathan turned a corner revealing a dead end. At that end was a corner bakery, the end giving space off to the other city below, its lights shining bright.
"Here we are!"
"This looks like the middle of nowhere."
"Don't worry..." They got out of the car and walked to wards the door of the bakery. "This is my aunts bakery, it should be closed now but I told her if I can have it today, she agreed, now me and you have the place to ourselves."
" what exactly are we going to do?"
Jonathan took the key from his pocket, unlocking the door he switched the light on, showing a dimly lit room. There were round table with flower pots as center pieces. Taking her hand he led her behind the counter, she tried to break her hand free but he laced her fingers with his.
"What would you like to have?"
"I don't know."
"What do you like?"
"I don't really care." He felt like this was a waste of his time, he didn't want to have to waste her time.
"If you don't want to be here Jazzy I can take you back home, really I don't mind."
"You know I like chocolate, my mom stopped bringing it into the house, as a way to punish me, after that I just stopped eating chocolate."
Jazzy started to look at some of the stuff that was there, some had chocolate others didn't, but she was still interested in what was there.
"How about we just take a sample of each, just go down the line of what's here?"
She nodded her head and stood there looking at everything as he went to get two plates and forks. Taking a slice of cake from each he told her to sit on the floor, asking if she wanted milk as he entered the kitchen once more. Coming back three minutes later he sat on the floor, but looking back he realized he didn't want interruptions, so he turned on the light for the pastries and turn off the light in the store.
Sitting back on the floor with Jazzy he looked at her and wondered what she was thinking.
He picked up a fork and cut a piece of the cheese cake for her, the swirls of chocolate in it enticed Jazzy, he fed her the slice and her eyes closed at the taste of cocoa in her mouth again. She winced her face.
"What happened? You don't like it?"
"No I love it, it just hit my sweet tooth, it's been a while since I had sweets like this." He smiled at the prosper of her liking the pastries, cutting a piece from another cake he fed it to her again, she began to nod her head in an approving manner.
"Soo...why...why does your mother always yell at you? Is she your step mother or am I asking to much of a personal question?"
Jazzy stared at him for a moment, she never had anyone ask her about her life, nor had she had anyone be nice to her besides her father. She didn't want to answer it but her mouth spoke for her.
"She's my birth mother, but she has a air up her ass on how things should run in her house, she bosses my father around and thinks she can do the same for me, so I ruin her image of parenting by doing what I do."
"But do you really like doing it? I mean it seems like you do it out of revenge but is there something else out of it?"
She looked at him then down at the plate, she knew she said to much but she wanted to continue talking, she took the other fork cutting another piece from the cheese cake.
"At was out of revenge, like a slap at how much of a bad parent she was, but then, I started to like it, it comforted me when I needed it, after a while I became hooked, look it's nice like I do drugs or anything because I don't, I don't drink I don't smoke, things are just so fucked up in my head which leads me to do things the wrong way. I'm not saying I have a good life, I don't think I do."
"Like you said, it comforts you, but can you stop?"
"Why so people could approve of me? I don't care about them, they talk about me but half of them are no good, majority of the guys I been with have girlfriend who they claim they love."
"Have you ever loved someone?"
She took another piece and tried to remember the name of the guy she fell in love with.
"Yeah, he was my cousin's friend who came over one time, older then me but I was hooked like a fish, he never liked me like that though, I was just to young and naive, or as I once heard young, dumb, and full of...well cum. Come to find out he had a girlfriend, I was jealous so I did something with him to take his mind off his girlfriend and to focus on me. I was an idiot, I never wanted to do that again but obviously you can see I still do." Jonathan reached out and touched her hand but she recoiled it and placed them in her lap.
"Why are you so nosy?"
"You didn't have to tell me, you do a great job at pushing me away."
"But yet here I am on a date with you."
"Is it wrong to know about you? I've only known you for a couple of years, I remember your dad when I was younger because he was working with my dad, I guess on the restaurant."
"Yeah your dad is a construction worker right?"
"Yeah...and my mom passed away about two years ago."
"I think I heard that being passed around the school, sorry about that I mean I'd trade moms any day."
"Thanks I guess." Jazzy stared at his clothing and hair noticing how well put it looked, his gray eyes stood out a bit, but she saw them grow dark.
He stared back at her looking at the flow of her hair swim down to her arms. Her eyes were a dark brown but if you shined light on them you can see it's color well. She had a gray sweater on that read "monarchy" on it. Her dark blue pants on gray converse looked odd but in a good sense.
"If you wasn't here with me tonight where would you be Jazzy?"
"You want the truth?"
"Not really...but it would be nice."
"Well I would be in some guys house, doing what I do best, I don't let them touch me, when I kiss it's usually rough or fast, but of course I use protection last thing I need is to get knocked up or diseased. I'm kind of glad I'm here, it beats walking out there in the cold."
Jonathan leaned his head against the glass and stared at her while she talked, she noticed he was looking and she stopped.
"No don't stop talking, it's nice to hear you say something else besides leave me alone or screw you."
She nodded her head and leaned it against the glass as well, he reached out his hand to her as a way of saying come here, she looked at it, as he was about to put his hand away she grabbed for it, moving the plate on the other side of her she slided next to him.
Adjusting herself she looked at him to see him still staring.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
"Is it creeping you out?"
"Just a bit."
" know Jazzy you really are pretty, and I'm not just saying that, I don't care about what you've done, I may not like it but it's not a big issue for me as it is for this world. I like you a lot."
She wanted to blush but told herself not to, she looked away from him and then back, he still was looking at her, though he looked tired he was still looking at her. He kissed her on both cheeks then her lips. She never kissed back nor did she move away. He drew his lips away from her, but kept his face close. "Jazzy would you go out with me? If you say no then I won't bother you again."
She moved her face closer to his so their lips can touch, she felt his breath shake as her fingers raked his hair.
"I thought you kissed rough?"
"I do." She kissed him softly again, and he pulled her in, he didn't want his hands to slide down so he kept them pressed on her shoulder blades.
"I don't date guys, I have sex with them."
"You can change that just go out with me."
"Are you a virgin or something?" She pulled away from him now sitting between in legs but further back.
"...yea I am, but me liking you has nothing to do with sex, why do you always have to take it there? Why do you have to ruin something that's nice?"
"Sex is what I do, I ruin what's nice because it won't last long."
"I'm not asking us to last long, just the time with you is what counts, you can just say no if you don't want to." She looked at him now as it was his turn to look at the floor. She never had a boyfriend but in the back of her head it was saying never say never.
She crawled to him and picked up his face, she kissed his lips again and told him yes.
"What are you saying yes for?"
"I'll go out with you Johnny boy, don't screw me over please." They kissed once more until they couldn't breath, he fed her the rest of the cakes that were on the plate and she took them feeling the chocolate reach her stomach, hours passed as they stood on the floor talking, getting to know each other, Jazzy was still timid but she felt her self relax, she stood between his legs this time leaning her back on him. It was a quarter to twelve and it was time they left.
"You want me to walk you to your door?"
"No I'm going to sneak in through my window, don't want to make to much noise in the front, that would cause a whole scene."
"Oh ok, talk to you later, and Jazzy...."
"Sweet dreams."
"You too." She walked away from the car as he went around the block and into his garage. Jazzy ran to the back of the house, opening up her window she took the rock thats on the side, stepping on it she climbed through her window and on to her computer desk, trying to make less noise as possible she took off her sneakers and socks and fell right to sleep, the smell of him and chocolate lingered on her hair and clothes, she wished it was on her pillow so she could sleep faster.
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now i knew why i wrote this was because i was mad at someone i had loved...long story short it wasn't meant to be we didn't get to date and he hurt me i hurt him

it just made me think what it would be like if i was her and in this situation so there u go