Status: on pause for a moment

I'm Not What You Think


"Jazzy are you coming with me today or no?" Her father opened her door, peeking his head through to see her sitting on her bed, hair ruffled up as she rubbed her eye.
She grunted looking up at him, he signified that as a yes but he continued to watch his daughter wake up from last nights rest.
"Whattimeisit?" She formed a new word, mumbling the thoughts that ran through her head. Lucky for her no one fully understands what she says.
"Jazzy go wash up I'll cook breakfast for you then we can head out."
She nodded her head in response, walking away to her bathroom, her question went unanswered but she was satisfied enough that food was coming through though it did not convey on her face.
Looking at her self in the mirror before brushing her teeth she saw what the morning can do. She didn't like it, but there wasn't much she can do till she washed her face. Her father had given her enough time to get ready, but exiting her room she bumped into her mother.
"Oh you little son of a..."
"It was an accident calm down." Jazzy walked away to stand next to her dad.
"Here Jazzy take this and eat it in the car I'll be right there." She mumbled again as she left for the car.
When the room was clear her parents started to talk.
"George why is it that she favors you more? I know daddy's little girl but she isn't little anymore George, yet she doesn't know how to respect."
"Well Marie you yell at her constantly, was she the venom that you birthed? I know how you talk to her Marie, I see you hitting her." He stood up now, his adrenaline speeding up.
"She acts like a brat, she's nasty the way she carries her self late at night, to think what the neighborhood as well as her school thinks of her." He walked away from her now, not being able to tolerate her way of thinking. Once he had when they were first starting out their parenting skills, he thought that image mattered. He didn't care for that, he just wanted safety and peace in his household.
Marie had trailed behind him, trying to finish her say.
"Don't walk away from me George, we are discussing something you can't just up and leave when it gets brutal."
"I can when I feel the balance in my home has been tipped. This is supposed to be her safety net when she falls down; not the place that drives her away. Honestly Marie are you happy in this place?"
She stepped back, shocked to hear the man she love asked if she was happy.
"What that suppose to mean?"
"Are you happy being in this house Marie? Are you happy knowing that we argue and fight all the time? I remember when we used to love each other."
"I have never stopped loving you George, obviously you have."
"Marie take a step back and look at us, look at our family and honestly tell me if we are happy. Our daughter could barely speak to us without you hitting her, I could barely hear my thoughts without someone screaming."
"So are you saying this is all my fault? I take all the blame while our daughter gets to sit back and watch us crumble because it is all my fault?"
His cheeks flushed with color as he tried to keep from yelling.
"Marie can you honestly stand before me and say you still love me? I can't live like this, for years I have stood behind you trying to pick up the pieces of our crumbling love but they wouldn't mend."
He stared at the floor, trying to breath wishing he was anywhere but here, in his own home that he felt it used to be a haven.
"I want a divorce Marie...I'll buy you a new home so you can move out or whatever you want."
"I can't believe this, I don't want you to do anything for me you have done enough, I see now you favor your daughter more than me, the woman who has been in your life for years." They had turned to see Jazzy at the front door.
She had witnessed the breakdown of her parents, for the first time she saw her mother cry and wondered if they were fake. She saw her mother walk away to the kitchen as her father's head was bent low. He didn't speak but took Jazzy's arm, they made way for the car.
The drive seemed fast for the both of them, as he parked they didn't speak but Jazzy wanted to, instead he spoke out first, not unlocking the doors.
"What part did you come in the house to?"
"When you said you can't live like this....are you really divorcing her?" She saw him nod his head in response.
Leaning over she hugged her father, realizing she hasn't done it in a long time, sitting in between the two seats.
"I haven't hugged you in a while, I think I can honestly say I miss it." His shoulder's relaxed under the comfort of his daughter, he smiled because she was right. He had missed her deeply, she wasn't back but he saw the making of something that could be his former daughter.
Their moment ended but she felt it could approach once more if she wanted. Exiting the car they went through to back of the diner, to make it to the kitchen.
Jazzy saw the men singing and dancing to their hanging radio.
"Hey what's going on here? I didn't know we were hosting a party!" All the men stopped not knowing what to do next.
George had laughed, spinning around.
"Ok look I'm being generous today so there will be a chance there is a raise for today." Everyone now clapped their hands, whistling as if their favorite actor won the Grammy they deserve.
"Ok ok now get back to work." Laughing once more the crowd broke a part. Jazzy and her father hung up their jackets, replacing them with aprons. He took over the stove as Jazzy stood by his side.
"You going to be ok?"
He nodded in response, kissing her forehead. She moved away now going to the front with the others.
Her day quickly went by. She didn't want it to end because she knew what would be waiting for them at home. Her father went ahead before her, to clear the waters before she came home.
She stood there with Jonathan as he mopped the floor, she relaxed in one of the booths.
He stopped to smile at her.
"What....why are you smiling at me?"
"Am I not allowed to? Besides you have the light right on you....makes you look pretty."
Her cheeks were dying to rise, she wanted to smile but she didn't want to make it obvious, so her cheeks filled with color instead. He laughed at her.
"You're a piece of work you know that?"
"What you mean?" He stopped mopping and sat next to her, taking her hand to kiss it.
"You're different, you've changed in the last couple of days....I don't know if that's the real you or not, I would like to find out that's for sure."
Jazzy put a solemn face on, trying to wonder how fast things were going. She didn't do relationships, she usually breaks them. How was she going to make this one last and still seem interested in him, she thought that till he lifted her head inching his face close to hers. Giving her a tap on the lips at first, then to letting them stay there, he bit her bottom lip gently as she kissed him back
♠ ♠ ♠
~Man this chapter was very complicated....reasons because I already have the other chapters for this in my head and I want to get to it ....gets complicated working that up but I'll get it done.~