Under Lock and Key

The Attack

"Hail, I can't BELIEVE you would say something like that to Georgio!" I said in between giggles. We turned into the alley so we could get toCaribou Coffee faster. We were talking about Georgio Evans, the most popular guy at our school.
"Well, he was being an ass. What was I supposed to do? Punch him?"
"Knowing you, that is EXACTLY what you should have done!" I told her, stopping.
"Rose, you even told me violence is not the answer! Why should it be different now?"
"Mostly because you never listened to me before!" We laughed at that. We continued down the VERY long alley. Hailey was shivering from the cold Wisconsin evening air. All of the sudden, from the corner of my eye, I saw movemnet somewhere on my right. It couldn't have been Hailey because she was on my left.

"Did you see that, Hail?" The moving figure loomed ahead. "That."

"Yeah." I tapped her shoulder 3 times. In Ro-Hail code, that meant "Run as fast as you can." We turned around and ran for our lives, but stopped when I felt like I hit a brick wall. I fell over and Hailey did too.
"Ticked," I whispered to Hailey. In Ro-Hail code, this meant "Ti Kwan Do time." In no time, the second guy was on the ground moaning in pain. Hailey was kicking and punching him. He punched her, too. All of the sudden, she was on the ground.
I grabbed Hailey's cellphone from her pocket and dialed 911, staying by her side.I put in on speakerphone so Hailey could talk too and the recipent could hear what the hell was going on. "Hello, you reached emergency assistance. How may we help you?" As if on cue, Hailey screamed in pain when I touched her arm.

"Yeah, Hello? Hi, my friend Hailey Parker and I are in an alley going to Caribou Coffee.Two men ar here trying to kill us! Send help now!"
Man # 1 came and kicked my back three times. I got up from behind Hailey and beat the crap out of him. I took my pocket knife from out of my green hoodie and flipped it open. I stabbed blindly until I heard the male scream when I finally caught some flesh. I made deep and rapid X marks on his skin. I light kicked on somewhere behind me. I nearly screamed when I found I was carving the man's face. I thrust the knife at his chest, but he caught it and twisted my arm backwards, possibley breaking it. I heard sirens over Hailey's screams of pain and the beating of my heart. "YES!!" I screamed. Adrenaline finally pumped through my veins. I beat man number one up(yet again) until he was unconcious. I saw Creep #2 was slapping Hailey.

"NOOO!" I shouted, hearing the sirens coming closer. I was about to kick the idiot in the face, but he caught my leg and pulled me to the ground beside Hailey. I realized that Hailey was no longer screaming. It looked like she was still breathing, thank GOD. I saw the thugpull out aFifty Calibur Pistol and shot Haileytwice, leavingthreefor me. I didn't realize that the police were there until the freak was about to shoot me, but dropped it right by me and started to run.
It was all a blur after that. All I know that the paramedics came and took Hailey, Man #1, and me away. I remember finding out my best friend was dead a few minutes before he shot her. That must have been why he was slapping her I thought. I cried for a very long time after that. It wasn't the last time I would be in some sort of connection with the men again though