

As she opened the double doors I felt a cold breeze of cold air blow on to my face. It was like a giant gymnasium. Filled with weights, balls, nets, ropes, everything you can use to exercise with. And train with.

When you look up you could see what looked like monkey bars except instead of swinging on it theres kids walking over it to get to the other side. They were like 60 feet above the ground!

Everywhere I look I could see people my age and older training. I tried following Jackie but it was hard to keep up with her since I was so busy looking around the place. We walked pass by many kids with cooler powers than mine. There was this guy who can walk through anything and another guy who could shape shift to different people. I caught a glimpse of him shape shifting to Obama.

“Hey, uh, Jackie?”

She turned around. “Yea?”

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you to meet your new companions.” she smiled.

We didn’t walk far. She walked all the way to the end of the giant football field of a room. She stopped in front of a flat brick wall. She looked back and smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back. She placed her hand flat on the wall, closed her eyes and smiled. Nothing happened for a while. Till I felt my self sink lower into the ground. I was already used to the ground sinking thing so I might as well sit back.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a white room with no door and only one window in the middle of the room. There were 2 rows of 10 chairs aligned nicely in a neat row. I scanned around the room to find about 9 kids here. Most of them are guys.

“Ok I guess that’s about everyone.” Jackie said and pointed me to sit next to a girl with long auburn hair. She smiled at me showing her dimples. I smiled back shyly .

Jackie clapped her hands together . “Ok now that everyone’s here.. Let’s start with introductions. Oh wait.” she put her hands to her forehead looking like she forgot something. She then put her hands down and smiled at us. “Silly me. I’d like to say congratulations on winning your first battle. Though I warn you things get harder. Any way lets start with our introductions. Starting from you.” She pointed at me. My heart skipped a beat as I stood up. “Just say your name and your power.”

“M-m-my name is Marline Harix” I stuttered stupidly. “And I’m telepathic.”

“Cool your telepathic!” I moved my eyes to see who had said it. Turns out it was a boy sitting in the back row. He looked around my age with brown hair all spiked to the right. “So like you can move stuff with your mind right?”

I nodded slowly.

“Then could you like make me levitate off the ground?” I heard everyone laugh as I looked down so no one would see me blush.

Jackie raised an eyebrow at him. “Ok Lawrence we can ask questions later. Thank you Marline you may sit down.”

I gladly sat down. Happy that my turn is over and I hadn’t humiliated myself much. I watched as the girl who smiled at me stood up confidently.

“My name is Andria Scrits and I’m…” she paused for a short while. “A mind reader.”

“Psh right. Prove it?” said Lawrence leaning back on his chair looking rather smug.

Andria smirked at him crossing her arms. “Your thinking of Megan fox in a bright blue bikini, along with Kim Kardasian. Oh and whats this your imagining yourself applying sunscreen on their backs oohh.. and especially” I followed her eyes as she looked at Lawrence who was now going bug eyed. “How Jackie here would look like in a hot--”

“No, no, no never mind ok, ok you’re a mind reader.” He laughed awkwardly. Lawrence was on his knees with his hands clasped together begging her to not say any more.” I laughed along with the class. I laughed even harder as Jackie looked at him raising an eyebrow and a smirk playing on her lips.

“Ok Lawrence enough of your side comments or else I’ll have Andria tell us what you were thinking again.” she winked at him.

I watched as one guy next to him punched his shoulder
“Thank you Andria.” she nodded at the next person to start who was another girl with jet black hair and green cat like eyes.

“My name is Madeline Dosia. I have the ability to create a force field as well as turn invisible.” I watched as Jackie look at Lawrence, but from the way she looked away it seems as if he would be shutting up for now. Madeline sat back down.

“My name is Parkson Dosia.” I couldn’t help but notice how similar he looked to Madeline. “Yes I am Maddie’s older twin brother.” I watched as his hand slowly moved to pat Madeline’s head.

Madeline glared at him. “Parkson” she growled in a low whisper.

“Sorry. I mean Madeline” he said her name in a British accent causing everyone to laugh again. She shot him a look that probably meant to say ‘I‘ll murder you.’ Parkson ignored her. “Anyways I have super speed.” He sat back down as another guy with spiky black hair stood up.

“My name is Aaron Jerne and I can fly super fast.” he smiled wide and sat down.

I looked behind me as an attractive guy with brown hair brown eyes and a pretty masculine build hidden beneath his green baseball Tee. “I’m Logan Brickain” My heart fluttered when I heard his rough deep voice ring in my ears as he spoke. “I can manipulate water.” he sat back down his arms crossed.

“Hey as you guys all know me just a few minutes ago. I am Lawrence Levika and I can stretch to really far places.” He bowed as he sat back down.

I looked at the same guy that I had seen won the fight before me. “My name is Freddie Yuta,” His voice too was also deep like Logan. Except it sounded smoother. “I have the power to control static electricity.” he sat back down quietly and politely smiled at me when he caught my eye. I turned away quickly.

“Okay now that we know a bit about each other lets get on- yes Lawrence?” said Jackie getting off the table that was behind her.

“Uhm You haven’t told us a little about yourself?”

“Oh right. How rude of me. Though I’d like to keep my personal life private… For now. Now where was I? Oh yes Okay starting today all of you are teams. You will train together, fight together, eat together--”

“Sleep together?” snickered Lawrence. At this everyone laughed once again.

“You wish.” Jackie said smiling as she shook her head. “Follow me everyone so that we may check your statistics and see if you have any weak spots.”

“I don’t have any weak spots. I’m pretty indestructible.” someone said behind me.

“Shut up Lawrence.” said Jackie as we all stood up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok Finally. It took me all afternoon to do this chapter so yea.
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