
Chapter 12

“Ok guys now that we know your statistics. Let’s go.” She waved her hand to the direction of the maroon building.

I had already made fast friends with Andria Scrits. She seemed to be a pretty out going girl. I wanted to try and be Madeline’s friend but she seemed to want to be a bit distant.

“Hey Lanie.”

“Yea?” I looked at Andria

“Notice how we have more guys in here than girls?”

“Yea I noticed.” I said trying to understand what she meant.

“Let’s ask Jackie about it.” She beamed and grabbed my arm dragging me to Jackie. “Hey Jackie!”

Jackie looked behind at us. “Hey.”

“Jackie, Lanie has a question to ask you.” Andria pushed me toward her.

“What?” I looked Andria giving her a ‘what the hell’ look

“Go ask her.” she said smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes. Even though we just met she could be annoying. “Jackie were wondering why are there more guys than girls here.”

She raised and eyebrow and looked deep in thought.

“Oh I see.” said Andria after a few moments.

“What?” I said

“There are more guys here because when it comes to inheriting powers boys can handle it easily with ought hardly having any drama or stress in their life. Though when a girl inherits powers when she is born the intensity of the power may be to strong for her fragile body to handle, causing her to die.”

My eyes turned big as I looked at Jackie who nodded at me. “So does that mean new born baby girls die when they inherit their powers at birth?”

She nodded and said. “Poor things. You two are lucky you guys survived. Seems your strong in body and mind. Especially Lanie. It takes a huge amount of strength to survive with your mind and all. ” She smiled at me. Then looked ahead. “Looks like were here.” She said as we just passed the other similar building. She opened the same doors I went through when I first came in. The place didn’t have as much people as It had. It suddenly felt a bit emptier.

“Hey Jackie why are there two buildings of each uh section?” asked Lawrence from behind the group.

“There are two teams here. Obviously all of you are one team. So we have one building for each team.” she looked forward and stopped in the middle of the whole gymnasium. She clapped her hands together and smiled. ”Right now were just going to show off a bit of our powers.” She paused. “Yes Logan?”

“When are we going to start beating each other up.” he said darkly.

“Haha! Good one Logan!” laughed Lawrence

Logan turned to Lawrence and looked at him. “That wasn’t a joke.”

“Oh” Lawrence blushed sheepishly.

“Logan we are going to start beating each other up, but not yet. “ she smiled. “Logan why don’t you start. Stand right here” she pointed in front of her.

Logan reluctantly stepped in front of Jackie . “I need water.” he said furrowing his eye brows.

“Oh right” Jackie snapped her fingers. “I’ll be right back.” She ran out the double doors, leaving all us unattended.

“Guys! She’s gone lets go party!” said Lawrence.

I looked at Andria who rolled her eyes “Idiot. We cant even have a party here we don’t have any music or food.”

“Geesh I was just kidding.” he said looking hurt.

“Whatever.” Andria started tying her hair.

“Meet you all the way to Hawaii!” yelled Parkson. Everyone was looking at him.

“Not if I get there first!” said Aaron who was already on the air and turned into a blur of blue and black.

“Parkson! Aaron!” yelled Madeline looking erked. I watched as she put both palms up in deep concentration her eyes closed tight in a irritated way. She opened her eyes and smiled triumphantly. She ran out her palms still up.

“Lets go follow her!” said Andria

“What why?”

“Don’t worry she’s not going anywhere dangerous. I should know. I read her mind.” Andria tapped her fore head and grabbed my wrist dragging me outside.
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I'm sorry it took a while.