
School Love triangle.

I sighed from exhaustion as I entered the house. The walk home took me a very long time.

“ Hey Lamie, what took you so long.” said Trent looking at me from the TV with his feet propped up on the coffee table.

“Why? You missed me?” He pretended to gag and started making choking noises as he rolled around the floor. “ Oh, shut up Toe Jam.” I rolled my eyes and was about to walk into my room when my mom stopped me to ask about how my day was. “Tiring.” I answered.

“Oh, darling if its ever to much for you we could send you out?” she suggested.

“No mom I’m ok.”

“Alright then.” I waited till she walked down the stairs, then I looked over the stair railing.

“Trent Javier Harix! How many times have I told you to get your feet off the coffee table!? I just cleaned it!”

“Sorry mom.” I heard him mumble as I look over the stairs. I snickered Oh the joy of seeing your siblings getting busted. I walked back up the stairs and started cramming for my test.


“Hey Lanie how did your training go?” asked Janine smiling at me.

“Its ok. Where’s Will?”

She checked her cell. “New text message. He’s on his way here.”

Eventually he came but then the bell rang just in time.

“See ya will.” I waved as I went to my class.

“Yea.” he waved


I felt a paper ball hit my head. I had almost forgotten Skyric sits behind me.

“Stop it.” I said harshly


As I was going back to doing my work when I felt a finger tap my shoulder. “What?”

“We got practice today.” he smiled innocently.

I frowned at him. “ I know Jackie told us.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You got Jackie Dew?”

“Huh?” I said confused. Then I realized he was probably talking bout’ the Jackie I knew. “Yeah.”

“Ahh She’s cool. Your lucky. I got a boring mean old guy. Mr Deer and ant, something like that.”

“Hey don’t talk about Mr Derant like that. Hes a cool guy!”

“Sure.” Skyric looked up at the ceiling.

“Ms Harix quit talking to Mr Garter as you see we have a lesson right now.” said Ms Cardine slightly looking down so that her glasses slid a little lower down her nose.

“Sorry.” I mumbled. As soon as Ms Cardine turned around I felt a soft breeze blow in front of me and out of no where a folded piece of paper was on my desk. I looked around and opened it. There in thin neat-ish hand writing it says,

“Hey you hang out with Janine and Will right? Btw Tap your pen twice when your done writing back.”

Immediately my mind went suspicious. I wrote back.

“Yea so what?”

I tapped my pen twice and I felt a soft breeze again. The paper was gone. Half a minute passed and the breeze came back as well as the paper.

“Nah I don’t know just asking. Does Will like her?”
My suspicion gotten stronger after reading this.

I hesitated. Wondering what should I write back. I already knew who was her. Janine. He cant ever have her. He’s to, to I don’t know. I have to protect her.

“Yea of course he does you idiot. In fact they like each other and they are going out. So yea.”

I tapped my pen again and the breeze flew by. Even though I couldn’t see him I could imagine the look on his face as he read it. I waited for the paper to come by. It took him two minutes to reply.

“Oh.. Just asking yennoe? Thanks for the info anyway.”

I tapped my pen twice and the breeze flew by again.

Recess came and as I was walking with Janine we were pretty surprised to see Will hanging out with Skyric and the other guys. Will actually looked like he was having fun hanging out with him.
“Yay, Will is friends with Skyric now.” Janine smiled.

I sighed. Janine is always happy to the simplest things in life. Class flew by and then lunch came though another surprise came. Strangely he wasn’t hanging out with Skyric now. Instead he was walking toward us with a mad expression on his face.

“Whats up with you Will?” asked Janine sweetly.

“You know at Recess I could’ve sworn you were being best friends with Skyric. What happened now?”

“M-m nothing.” he mumbled.

“Please tell me Will? It hurts seeing you mad like this. Were best friends.” Janine pleaded. I guess she knows that he has a crush on her.

Will hesitated whether he should tell her.

“Please for me?” Janine fluttered her eyelashes.

“Ahh, .. I broke my damn skateboard.” he said quickly.

Somehow I knew he was lying. I looked ahead to see that Carol Soe walking toward us looking real excited. “Guess what! Guess what!” she said excitedly looking at me and Janine. Though she was mainly looking at Janine. From the corner of my eye I saw Will looking a bit more edgier.

“What!” said Janine excitedly. “What?”

“Yea?” I asked her.

Carol was practically looking like she was about to explode. “Skyric likes you Janine! And he’s asking you out!”

I heard Will mumble something and Janine beamed happily. “Really?! Are you serious!”

“Sure did! He even admitted it to a couple other guys and girls.” replied Carol.

I turned to Will and raised and eyebrow. “Is this why your so mad?”

He frowned and looked away.

“Tell him I said yes!” she squealed and then looked at me. “You heard that! he likes me.”

“Yeps congrats.” I gave her a thumbs up.

“You heard that Will? Im so happy.” she smiled and then hugged him. You know I’m getting confused whether she knows he likes her or not.

I looked at Will to see his expression but there was n expression in it at all. I felt bad for him.

“Hey” said Carol excitedly. “He’s coming this way look, look!”

Janine looked at the direction Carol was pointing and blushed furiously. “He’s coming, he’s coming!” she squealed softly to me.

“Calm down Janine.” I said softly.

She immediately calmed down and said a shy hey to him as he walked up to her. I glared at him. He’s so bold after I told him that they were both going out. This guys an idiot. He probably asked some one else on the info for both of them. Why did he had to like her? He’s not right for her. I totally don’t trust him.

“Hey Janine. I like your shirt.” he said as he smiled at her.

She looked down. It was obvious she’s blushing. “Thanks. I like your shirt.” she mumbled

He smiled. “Thanks, hey, uh would you like to go out sometime?” he asked

My blood was boiling. Idiot. He better not hurt her. I looked at Will to find that he was walking away some where. I decided to follow him. I gave Janine a look of apology before I walked off to follow him. It seemed that Janine didn’t mind so I ran off.

I hope Will is ok. For a skater boy he’s pretty sensitive. Skyrics only causing problems for me. I’m so tempted to beat him up.
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I'm sorry it took long.

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