

“Aahh!” I screamed as I slid through the tunnel. I landed on top of Logan.

“Twice in one day already?” he smirked. “You like feeling my abs or something?”

“Ugh. Shut up.” I got off him and dusted myself. “Where are we anyway?” I looked around.

It was a dark deep blue carpeted room. With a huge TV screen on the wall that took two thirds of the wall. In front of it was a dark mahogany table neatly organized with a pencil holder. Two long tables shaped into long semi-ovals placed vertically across from each other in the center of the room.

“I don’t know really.” Logan began to walk around the room looking at the stuff. I did the same. I looked up. Foot steps.

“Logan!” I looked at him to find him swinging around on the chair at the mahogany table. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t know. I got bored.” he shrugged. I stopped the footsteps were getting closer I could hear people.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed his wrist to pull him back to the tunnel thingy. Only to find that it wasn’t there any more instead there was a brown door. I tried opening it but I found that I needed a code. I looked desperately around the room. Luckily there was another door that didn’t need a lock. I opened the door.

“C’mon!” I urged him in. I was surprised to find that it was a closet. It looked like a janitor’s closet, but why would there be a janitor’s closet in a very high office looking conference room?

I closed the door careful not to lock ourselves in. I pressed my ear against the door as soon as I heard people sitting down.

“Ok every one. As you all know this is a very important meeting. Involving these special children. Of course as we all know this is a special organization that trains kids ranging from ages 7-25. Although some of these kids may be too young they are still yet powerful.” - He paused- “Does anyone know why we are doing this? Training such kids?” said the man. “Yes Pen vie.”

“So that they will be able to be prepared once M.A.P starts to initiate.”

M.A.P? That word stuck in my head.


“But sir!” said a female voice. “This is too dangerous for them. They are just kids. S.W.A.R.M is a deadly corporation full of highly trained assassins that sought out to take total domination of the world! Even our top spies have died trying to stop them. What’s the use of letting kids going risking their lives when their only going to end up dead!”

“What are they talking about?” whispered Logan quietly.

“Shh.” I moved my head to try and look into the key hole. From there I could see almost the whole room. The man that was talking had salt and peppered hair with a nicely trimmed beard to match. A chubby man in a suit I could say.

“That’s where you’re wrong Penvie.” he shook his finger at her. “What these super spies didn’t have is powers! You see these kids combined together would be unstoppable. Sure we’d lose a few kids but in the end we’d destroy or at least end the most dangerous people in the world.” he smiled wide in triumph.

“Lose a few kids!” said a familiar voice who I soon realized it belonged to surprisingly Jackie. She stood up from her chair glaring at the man. “Lose a few kids?! Are you crazy! What will happen once the parents find out that their own child had died? Their going to sue us for craps sake. Our secret cover will be blown their going to shut us down sir! We don’t need any kids dying.”

The fat man glared back at her. “Losing a few kids is nothing compared to losing millions of people Jackie. What would you want? A few children or millions of children to die?”

Jackie gave one final glare at him before she sat back down her arms crossed.

“Sir! What if they didn’t stop the generator before it starts to initiate?” said a male voice

“That’s what back up is for!” he said “Right now. Im going to show you all of a child that is probably to be the most powerful one we have here. She is newly recruited and luckily Jackie has her in her group.”

My group? I thought. I wonder who it is. There are only three girls in my group. So it’s either Madeline, Andria, or me. I doubt it’s me. Maybe Madeline she seems to be powerful.

“This girl will lead us to victory in destroying them.” I focused intently on the giant flat screen as he pressed a button on his remote. I was appalled to see that it was me.

Jackie didn’t look surprised. “I always new she had some type of potential in her. She may look utterly weak but she’s powerful. Or at least she’ll grow to be.” the man laughed. “For now we have to keep it a secret. We must not let her know that. She might be angry and turn against us.” the fat man looked grim for a while.

“Like what happened to Mr. Dellen Laramp?” said another man.

“Afraid so.” the fat man nodded. He pressed another button.

Another picture appeared on the screen. It showed a picture of a boy older than me. Maybe 16? He had cold green eyes. So cold they looked like as if you were looking at a snake itself rather than an innocent boy. His hair looked black and smooth like oil. His hair line parted vertically above his left eye. A smirk was on his lips.

“This is a face you should all remember. In case. He may look harmless, but he’s more dangerous than you think. He is some what a brilliant master mind. Don’t ever try to put up a fight with him.” The man paused a closed his eyes. “Meeting dismissed. I believe training has started.”

Everyone walked out of the room including the fat man in a suit.

I stood up, at the same time the light in the closet turned off.

“Hey!” I whispered. “Why’d you turn off the lights?” At first I was frightened I had almost forgotten that Logan was here with me.

“Shh.” he said peering through the key hole. “Jackie’s in the room.”

I stood up quietly waiting in the dark. “Ok she’s gone lets go.” he said.

He opened the door and got out. I was relieved to find that the tunnel had opened. I stood under it next to Logan who had stood next to me.

“Ouch.” I winced. I had fallen on top Logan again. He smirked at me when I looked at him. “Oh Shut up.” I stood up and dusted myself. I was surprised to see Jackie looking at us her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed.

“You two need some explaining to do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
You know? out of all my 49 readers only one seems to comment. You can THANK Airheart.101 for commenting.

So I need two(2) new people to comment then I shall post the next chapter.


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