
Another wind fight.

“Well Jackie-” I started but Logan interrupted me.

“Look Jackie if its about how Lanie and I were on top each other its nothing like that.” he said putting his hands up in defense.

I elbowed Logan in the ribs. “Stupid.” I mumbled.

Jackie kept looking at us in the same position as she was in when we first entered the room.

“Logan kicked the wall and fell through one of the suction tunnel thingys and I had to follow him.”

She slowly cocked her head to the side. “ So you heard everything?”

“Yes.” I nodded

Her hands dropped down and her face relaxed as she smiled. “Well there’s no use now best not let any one know. That you know. So keep it at a down low.” she put a finger on her lips.

“Hey Jackie.”


I thought this was an opportunity to find out who or what is M.A.P

“What’s M.A.P”

Her lips turned into a tight line. She shook her head and slowly hesitated whether to tell me. “It stands for made assassins program.”

“What do they do?” I asked.

She looked at me with sad eyes. “Terrible things Lanie. Terrible things.”


Training went on by and surprisingly I had to fight again. Well if you think about it that I’m going to be the most powerful one here then I guess they should be letting me fight so soon.

I closed my eyes I felt the alien warmth wrap around me for the second time.

“Today’s challengers are Skyric Garter and Marline Harix!” said Jackie who was our announcer for every fight we have.

I was surprised to find that I was fighting against my own partner Skyric. At least I could finally get my revenge and take out my anger on Skyric for dating my best friend and I wont get in trouble for hurting him.

“Sup” he said as we shook hands before we prepared to fight.

My lips snarled in disgust at him. As I quickly ran a couple yards away from him it had occurred to me that I don’t know what his power is.

He smirked at me as I struggled to stay on my feet when the enviroment changed.

This time it had changed into what looked like the Himalayas. Snow every where. I’ve heard about the dangers of snow mountains from watching shows like “I survived” and “ I shouldn’t be alive”. Watching these people suffer as they try to survive this harsh world. Makes me cringe seeing all the pain they’ve been through. But of course this is only fake. So we won’t really get hurt. I think.

I felt a gust of wind blow against my face at first I thought it was because of the snow mountains but the mountains weren’t windy they were just, still. Then another gush of even stronger than the first blew against my face. It was so strong it flipped me backwards. I landed on my back. I rubbed the back of my head. The snow concussioned my fall.

Skyric smirked at me.

“Hurt already? This is hardly my strongest.”

At least I know his powers. He has the same power as that Kenny kid I first fought. Except Skyric is stronger.

I got up as quickly as I could only to find that I’m spinning around and around in midair. Everything flew by past me in circles. Soon I realized I was stuck in a tornado!
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Sorry its been a while but it seemed that I had writers block because of skyric I didint know what power he should have.

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