
Did I win?

Or so it seemed.

I struggled to get out of the tornado. I couldn’t. The tornado stopped. I fell on the cold snow.

I looked up and blinked several times. My eyes were hurting I could see bright flashes of light everywhere. My head was spinning giving me a pain in the ass headache.

“Aargh.” I groaned and flicked my hand aiming blindly. No doubt I missed.

I stood up my hand clutching my dizzy head. My vision was getting a bit better. I lifted my hand up and looked straight at Skyric was smirking at me again.

“Dizzy? I’ll let you take a shot at me. Go on. You got 5 seconds.” he urged.

I gritted my teeth. What a bastard.

I scanned my surroundings looking for something, something to hit him with. Then I found it. I guess it was impossible to find in here but alright.

“2 seconds.”

“1. Times up.”

I watched as he started twirling his finger and blew at it. The tornado was slowly coming toward me. I gave a small smile and prayed to god to make it work. I brought up my clenched fist and threw an imaginary ball at him. The huge rock of ice I threw landed right inside the tornado just as I had meant it to do. Skyric gave me a confused look. I ignored him and put both hands up. Now that the ice boulder was in the tornado, all I have to do was keep the boulder in there while I calmly back away from it.

“What are you trying to do?“ he asked “If your trying to slow it down, its not going to work.” he crossed his arms.

I backed slowly. My heart skipped a beat as my foot was over nothing. I quickly regained my balance and tried not to look down. I was on the edge of the mountain, one more step I was off. I hate heights. One of my greatest fears in life, My eyes slowly grew big as it came closer to me. I knew I had to do this now or never.

“Please let it hit him.” I prayed silently. I brought my hands back and pushed it forward with as much force as I could. I stepped back and fell off the giant mountain. I closed my eyes and heard a yell.

My back hit solid ground. I lost. I waited for the cheering. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and slowly stood up.

“What the h- ayaaagh.” I was on the mountain side where a flat piece of land was sticking out. If there was no cheering then I might as well get up. Maybe I never lost. Concentrating deeply I managed to break this piece of mountain and float myself up to the top. I held on tightly. If I slipped Im off the mountain. If I fell again... maybe I wouldn’t be lucky. When I went to the top after what seemed forever I realized Skyric was there curled up on the ground his face crumpled up in pain. I walked closer and bent down in front of him.

“Skyric you alright?” I asked.

He opened his eyes and smiled back. “Got ya” Next thing I knew he blew at me and I fell back but I caught my footing before I could land face down.

“Fine be that way.” I said and made a snowball and threw at his face. As he wiped it off, I threw more and ran to him pinning him down on the ground. I punched his face.

“This is for pissing me off!”

I punched his shoulder.

“This is for being my partner.”

I punched his shoulder three times. For a second I felt bad as I saw him wincing but he deserved it.

“This is for bothering me in class. And this is for dating my best friend!” I punched him several times most of them in his face. I was going to punch him again but he caught my wrist.

He was still holding my wrist when he stood up. His right eye was twitching and a few a parts of his face were a deep red.

“Sorry but I’m going to have to win.” he said smiling at me. He let go of my wrist and blew at me causing me to fly over the mountain.


“Hey Lanie you alright?”

“Huh?” I slowly opened my eyes. It was blurry at first but I managed to get my vision back. Staring right at me was Jackie.

“Marline? You alright?”

“Yea I’m fine.” I sat up.

“Ok the doctors just checked you and said that your fine. So now lets go.”

“Alright.” I said

“Careful, careful.” said Jackie helping me to my feet when I almost lost balance.

I was surprised to find that I was actually inside the violet building when I walked out.

“Jackie. How did I get inside the violet building? Wasn’t I in the maroon building where I just fought?”

“Yes you were. We brought you in through the tunnel hole.”

“Why don’t you let me be transported through the quick dirt?”

“Quick dirt?” Jackie looked at me confused.

“You know that thing that sucks you in the ground?”

“Oh that.” she smiled. “ I wish it would’ve saved us money, but unfortunately it only transports you to different areas in a building or room.”

“I see.”

We went inside the maroon building and went through the quick dirt.
As soon as we got in everyone started to look at me,

“Hey! Lanie nice job on what you did to Skyric’s face.”

“Thanks.” I mumbled.

“Unfortunately for our Marline here she had lost. Maybe next time kiddo.” she patted my back. “but of course were going to have to train you even more.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok the fight really sucked but its been a while. Im sorry
Happy valentines day!
So leave a comment and subscribe!!

If you want romance in the next chapter just give me any suggestions to who would be romantic with who? Ok so comment and I will. THANKS!!