
New challenge

We walked through the double doors into the familiar huge foot ball air conditioned room.

“C’mon guys lets go this way.” said Jackie leading us to once corner of the room. “Ok I guess this is a good place to do this.” she put her hands on her hips. “Kay guys huddle close together and stand still.”

We all did as we were told and I felt myself sink lower and lower into the ground at the same time I felt the warm eerie feeling wrap around me.

“We can do this all together? “Said the shocked voice of Lawrence before we all sank to the ground.

“Yo Jackie? Why aren’t we going to the 2nd floor like we always do? Ya’ know the one we always train in? “Said Lawrence when he saw that the training room was strangely different from our training room after my fight with Skyric.

“I don’t know. They just told me this morning that we gotta go the 2nd floor instead.”

“Aw man that sucks. That means we gotta share the same space with the other team.” said Andria

“What other team?” I asked

“Oh right, you weren’t here for long--”

“So were you. You’ve only been here as long as I was.” I said cutting her off.

“But you should have noticed. That’s why we got four floors for each area. We are separated into two teams. I don’t even know why they bother since there’s so little of us. Like a hundred in here or so.”

“So… What team are we on?” I looked at her curiously.

“I don’t know really. Were really just call each other ‘team one’ or ‘the other team’ something like that.”

“Hey what are you doing here?” said a familiar gruff voice.

I turned around to see that huge guy Andria had nearly fought with. Was his name Ray? Reynold? I don’t know but he’s pretty big and mad looking.

“Oh hey” Andria turned and smirked at him. “Is that how you treat your fellow classmates?”

He growled low and that same blonde girl we saw not too long ago appeared by his side. “Reno calm down.” she said in a low calm whisper and then glared back at us.

“Look were just here since our floor is in construction right now so yea.” I said

“Well you better stay away from us. While you’re here.” Reno growled.

“Yea yea. I didn’t want to be here anyway.” Andria said as the couple walked away. “He has anger issues. Like seriously.”


We did our usual training routines same as always.

“Hey guys!” Yelled Jackie trying to get our attention.

As I turned to look at Jackie. I somehow made eye contact with Freddie Yuta. Our eyes had locked for a moment before I shyly looked away. What was that all about? I thought to myself.

“Ok right now were going to do something new.” Jackie smiled as she clapped both hands together.

“Finally.” said Lawrence smiling. “Something new. Instead of these boring human P.E routines.”

“If you’re calling them human P.E routines. Then what are you calling yourself?” said Andria

“A freak.” mumbled Madeline

Andria and I laughed hard. Well Andria laughed the hardest but yea. Everyone else caught on but Jackie managed to quiet us down.

“Good one Madeline.” said Aaron giving her an approving smile.

I was surprised to see her turn a bright cherry red then suddenly turned invisible. Eventually she came back to normal.

“Today were going to do a survival challenge.”

“Cool!” Aaron and Parkson said at the same time.

“So that means I’m going to have to test you guys one by one to see how long you can last in the survival chamber. Oh and just so you guys know the survival chamber is that same arena where you guys challenge. We pretty much use the challenge arena for several different challenge purposes.” she shrugged. “Any one wants to go first?” she smiled.
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Im so sorry guys I havnt updated in a loooong time

So leave a comment and I'll update soon,