
Wake up


"Ugh" i groaned as i place my hand over the alarm. I sleep for about five more minutes then get ready to change.

"Marline!! hurry up your friends are here." called my mother.

"Yea i'm coming" i said as i pulled up my pants.

Ok that was all just a dream. I'm not one of those heroines in those stories, I'm just a normal 14 year old girl.My real name is Marline Harix, but i like to be called Lanie for short. I'm kinda dark like maybe a light caramel color. I'm a neat freak, Brown eyes, short, shoulder length, black hair, average for my height. I actually have powers. Im telepathic and i can shoot blue sparks from my hands. Strangely I'm the only one in my family who has powers. Weird huh?. Sometimes i wonder if im adopted but im not. My parents made sure of that. The only people who knows i have powers is my parents and my two bestfriends Janine and Will. Lucky for me my brother doesn't know so that means I can mess around with his mind and he would have no proof to blame me for it.

"Hurry up lamie, you got 5 minutes to go down here." yelled my brother Toe Jam. Lamie is one of those irritating nickname he gives to me.

His name is not really Toe jam but i like to call him that. His name is actually Trent Javier Harix. Pretty tall. Your average 16 year old older annoying brother. He pretty much bothers me all the time, but somehow deep, deep down inside, i think thats his way of showing me that he cares.He kinda looks a lot like me just taller and a boy version.

"Yea yea" I walked down the stairs to see my two best friends Will and Janine sitting down watching T.V.

"Waiting long?" i asked them.

"Not much lets go, we dont want to keep your brother waiting." said Janine.

Janine my best friend since first grade. She used to wear glasses but now she wears contacts. Which is pretty cool if you ask me. She has long, smooth, black hair. Sparkling black eyes. Shes real pretty. Although she looks innocent, if you really get to meet her she can be loud and rambunctous especially at parties or when shes mad or something , but still shes a nice person to hang around with. Oh yea one more thing she kinda has this crush on my older brother. Gross.

"Yea sure" said Will looking at Janine with disgust.

Will is also one of our best friends. Hes always there for us when we need him. Sometimes he can be emo and sometimes he can be totally happy which kinda freaks me out sometimes. He has that dark brown skaterish hair with hazel eyes. Hes tall not very much athletic but hes calm especially when put into pressure. Its amazing how he can do that though. Some how i have a feeling he kinda likes Janine.

"Lets go guys" i said grabbing a waffle from the table and walking to my brothers car. As usual i had the front seat. Janine and will in the back.

"Get out the car" he said when we came around the corner.

"Why do we always have to be dropped off one block away from school?" i asked my idiot brother.

"Because I dont wanna be seen dropping off my sister to school."

"We go to the same school" i said rolling my eyes at him.

"Yea but still who drops off their brothers to school?"

"Im not a boy!" i screamed at him

"Well in your case ill make an exception."

"Arghh" i grumbled slamming the car door behind me. "Jerk"

"Well at least he drove us to school" Janine shrugged.

"Janine i just dont get what you see in my obnoxious brother"

"What?" she said blushing. " I see things".


Eventually we walked to school and went to our usual hang out.
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Sorry if it seems kinda boring but this is only the begining
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