
Lawrence's challenge

From the corner of my eye I have once again saw that Freddie was looking at me. When he noticed he gave a small smile then I looked away.

I was about to tell Andria but Lawrence had already volunteered to go first. Causing all of us to move up to the control box. It’s in the center of the challenge arena, Attached to the ceiling. Funny how I never noticed it.

Lawrence had already sunk to the ground and was in the challenge arena.

“So what do I do now?” Lawrence yelled.

“Just stay there and you don’t need to yell you know.” said Jackie slightly wincing. “Here, you guys might need this.” she said as she threw each of us head phones which were hanging from the wall.

“That’s a lot of buttons.” said Parkson curiously as he stared at the control system right in front of the wide screen which took 2/3 of the whole wall.

“That’s why this is called the control panel. Each button has different jobs to do. Especially with its highly advanced mechanisms they need everything they can to make controlling convenient. Like this blue button here. This controls what kind of challenges you want the challenge arena to change to. And this button that says A-03.” he pointed. “That probably checks if that certain area is functioning well”

“That’s very smart of you Freddie.” said Jackie

“Its not much.” he shrugged.

“Well enough of this smart talk and lets see how Lawrence is doing.” said Logan his arms crossed looking down at the window.

“Wait I almost forgot.” Jackie said slapping her hand against her forehead. “Were going to time your survival challenge. To lets say 5 minutes?”

“Psh 5 minutes!” Lawrence said bewildered. “You’re kidding me right? This is too easy.”

“Alrighty thens.” Jackie pressed one hand over one of her ear phones. “Ready Lawrence?” she asked

“Of course. Im ready for anything.”

I watched as Jackie quickly pressed several buttons. I took a quick glance at Freddie to see if he was looking but he looked more focused on the controls and buttons Jackie was pressing. As my eyes swept across the room I saw that Logan was looking at me and smirked once he caught my eye. I looked away feeling a tinge a red flash across my cheeks.

“Hey Jackie when do I start surviving?” he smiled

“Now.” as she said this, the total environment had changed into what seemed like an overgrown jungle.

We laughed as Lawrence struggled to stay on his feet. When the ground settled down I watched as Lawrence looked around and started to swing on a tree branch.

“Ooh ooh ah ah!” he said impersonating a monkey.

“Lawrence be serious!” said Andria though I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh.

“I am!” he said still swinging. Then he let go of the branch and landed on his feet. “Come and get me!” he waved his arms around.
Lawrence looked so retarded I couldn’t help myself but laugh. Everyone joined in but our laughter had soon stopped as soon as we heard a loud deep roar that sounds eerily familiar.

Lawrence stopped and looked around. “Hey Jackie what the hell was that?” said Lawrence a hint of fear in his voice.

I raised an eyebrow as Jackie had formed a sly smile on her lips. “Well why don’t you find out for yourself.”

“What?! I don’t want to-” Lawrence was cut off immediately by an even louder roar followed by sounds of trees breaking and loud thumping noises.

“ROAR!” My eyes turned big at the sight of the giant Tyrannosaurus suddenly appearing out of no where. I’m glad I’m not Lawrence.

“Aahahahahahah!” Lawrence screamed and he immediately started running.

The great dinosaur roared once again and started to follow after Lawrence, its giant feet pounding against the ground after him.

Lawrence looked behind him and ran even faster once he saw that the tyrannosaurus was closer behind him now. Through the headset I could hear Lawrence’s hyperventilating, gasping breaths.”

“Run Lawrence you wimp!” yelled Andria.

“I’m running woman now shut up!” he said.

When I looked down I noticed a river ahead of him. Lawrence stopped right in front of the river. I guess he had noticed that the river was too far for him to cross. Lawrence looked desperately around trying to get across.

I felt the atmosphere in the room turn tense.

“Don’t worry guys it’s only a simulation he’ll be fine. Plus he only got less than 2 minutes left.” said Jackie.

I looked at the timer right on top of the screen. Jackie was right he only had 1 minute and 56 seconds left.

I looked back at the screen to see Lawrence stretching out his arm to grab a thick tree branch from the other side of the river.

“Finally that idiot is using his power.” I heard Madeline mumble quietly.

Lawrence had made it to the other side but this time he was swinging on the branches stretching each of his arms out one by one grabbing a nearby tree branch every time.

“Heh now he really looks like a monkey.” said Parkson and we all burst out into laughter.

“Shut up Parkson.” said Lawrence in a tired raspy voice.

I looked at the dinosaur and noticed that it had almost crossed the river. With each step it took a huge splash of water bursted up between its claws.
Suddenly I heard a chorus of gasps in the room. I looked at Andria to find a shocked expression on her face.

I looked back at the screen and thought, Oh no.
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Ok I know it took a few weeks but here it is!

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