
Chapter 22

We all silently followed after her our minds wondering how Lawrence was. Although Andria seemed to be the only one who is normal about it.

“Relax guys it’s probably not much. I mean like c’mon he’s not like normal people. Were not really normal humans but super humans actually. So that freak could handle it right?”

Everyone said nothing and walked in to the violet building.

Jackie walked to the front desk where a young man was seated smiling at us as we walked to him.

“Ah Jackie, Lawrence Levika right?”

“Pretty much Jack.” she smiled as if nothing was wrong.

Jack turned to us and smiled. “Well Lawrence is in room 14 and he seems to be fine guys so don’t worry about it. Just a bit of poison in his hand nothing much.” I let out a short sigh of relief. Lawrence was alright, Jack turned back to Jackie. “Seems that he had made contact with one of them poisonous trees and then cut himself, Which is pretty dangerous since more bacteria could’ve have gotten in but no worry just a little bit of that medicine and some ointment and he’ll be fine.”

“Thanks so much Jack.” Jackie winked at him before she walked away.

“Hey” Andria nudged my arm as we followed Jackie.


“Don’t you think that doctor dude and Jackie look cute together? Even their names are close. Jack and Jackie.”

“Yea, but they could be siblings.”

“Eugh now that’s weird but why would Jackie wink at him in the first place?”

“I don’t know inside joke maybe?”


Now that everyone else had heard that Lawrence was alright we started to brighten up a bit. The guys busted in through the door as soon as they stepped in front of it.
Hey guys!” greeted Lawrence as the rest of us walked in.

“Hah nice going fighting that dinosaur.” said Logan

“He wasn’t fighting it! He was running away from it.” said Andria staring at him.

“Ey Shut up. That thing was huge if you ask me and had stank breath. Probably not as worse as Andria’s though. Damn her breath would beat tear gas. Once she opens her mouth not only would be people cry but people within 500 yards of her would have a concussion.

“At least I’m not the one who screams like a little girl you pussy.” Andria teased as she started to impersonate him. “Aaaaaaahhh help me! I think I wet my crap stained diapers!

We all laughed at Andria’s retarded impersonation of Lawrence. Even Jackie looked like she was trying hard not to laugh.

“Ok enough guys.” Jackie said.

“When can I go back home?” asked Lawrence

“Look the baby misses his mommy.” teased Andria

“Shut up.” he said glaring at her.

“You can go back home probably an hour from now.”

“An hour! What am I going to do there’s not T.V here!”

“There’s a radio.” said Freddie

“I’m going to get bored listening to just music.”

“There’s paper some where here and maybe a pen. You could draw to pass the time. Its not going to take forever.” said Jackie

“Hey Jackie. You guys have an antidote for whatever poisonous tree or plant Lawrence had touched?”

“Yea pretty much, but not all of it. We only keep stabilized plants in the challenge arena that way we wont have to deal with lawsuits.”

“Why’d you worry is like that Jackie?” said Andria

“I actually thought this idiot”-she points to Lawrence.- ”Was going to die.”

“Yea Jackie.” Parkson said looking serious.

“Well just wanted to mess around with you guys.” she laughed.

I looked at the clock above Lawrence’s bed and realized it was late. “When can we go home?”

“I guess you guys could go home now. You guys need to sign out at the lobby first then you should know your way home from there.”
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Ok it's been a while but alright
=) heres the next chapter
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