
Chapter 23

After doing so I returned home feeling exhausted.

“What took you so long.” said my brother Toe Jam

“JROTC prac-”

“Don’t know, don’t care.” said Toe Jam cutting me off before I could finish.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Why’d you ask then?”

When he never answered I walked up to my room, grabbed a pillow and threw a pillow at Toe Jam from down the stair railing.

I ran up before he could yell at me. “Stupid brother.” I said

The next couple weeks of training went by with ought any say or word of M.A.P. Logan and I had talked for a short moment of time but that was all. Neither of us managed to get any info on them other than that they are very dangerous and they torture people in such cruel ways. We tried asking Jackie about it over and over but she would just brush us off.

I hadn’t been with Janine in a while because of Skyric and she is slightly mad at me for beating him up, but Skyric told her it was no big deal and gave me a wink. I brushed it off with a gagging noise. Thankfully Will seemed to be getting used to Janine and Skyric being together but you could never be too sure.

“Hey Lanie wanna go to the mall with us today?” Janine asks me after school.

“Nah, no thanks. Maybe some other time. I got no training so today I just want to relax.”

“Aww.” Janine said looking at me with that innocent puppy dog look. Making her look so cute.

“Janine stop. I know what your trying to do.”

“What am I doing?” she asked innocently giving me that look.

“Aww your so cute.” I said hugging her tight.

We both laughed. “ I’m sorry Janine but I’m still not going.”

She sighed in defeat. “Alright. I guess I’ll ask Skyric to go with me.”

“NO.” I said immediately.

She looked at me with mock surprise innocence. Her pouting lip quivering.

“Fine. I’ll go.”

“Yay!” she clapped her hands.

“You owe me one but were bringing Will along.”

Soon after we made it to the giant shopping mall.

“So where are we going?” asked Skyric. To my dismay he wanted came along.

“Lets cruise around for a bit.” said Will, both hands in his pockets.

We all agreed and started to walk around the giant mall. Going up and down the escalaters, passing by many stores like, BEBE, Hot Topic, Claires, Pacsun and others. Eventually we all got tired of looking at stores and started to go in and buy something. By the time we finished we decided to take a break in Star Bucks.

“Three frappachinos and a chocolate cheese cake.” I ordered.

While I waited by for the order I looked around the coffee store. Janine and the guys were seated in one corner of the store, Right by the window. I continued to look around when I saw someone familiar. In the table behind ours. Short teased hair, petite frame. “Jackie?” I said softly.

“Here are your orders.” said the cashier.

“Oh thanks.” I walked back to the table in the corner and sat down. Trying to see who was Jackie with. I tried to get a closer view, if I wasn’t mistaken I’d say it was Jack. Maybe Andria was right. Jackie is dating Jack. I wondered what they were doing here, but of course Jackie has a life. I mean she can’t be a trainer all the time. I took a sip of my frappachino.

“Jackie we can’t do this!” said Jack. My ears perked up.

“We have to Jack.” she said calmly.

“Do realize how much of our lives are at stake here!”

“Yes I do, but it’s for the safety of everyone. So don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry! How can I not.”

“Don’t you care about the kids!”

“Of course I do why do you think I help out in the health building?”

“Then your doing them a huge favor.”

“Jackie..” Jack’s voice trailed off.

“Enough of this Jack. Let’s go.” I heard the chairs moving back followed by their footsteps . I kept my head down so they won’t recognize me. I snuck a peek at Skyric hoping that he won’t give us away. Thankfully he didn’t.

I waited till they stepped out of the coffee store. “Excuse me guys but I’ll be right back. I gotta use the restroom.”

“Alright. I’ll wait here with Skyric and Will.”

“Yea.” I waved to them and walked out quickly as Skyric started to eye me out suspiciously.

I didn’t need to worry about hiding myself as I followed them since there were many people and stands that were not only hiding me but making it harder for me to follow them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok here it is lols
there's going to be romance soon
but i just gotta fit it in somewhere
in the meantime enjoy ;D
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