
New guy

"School is really a bore" i said as the three of us walks around the school.

"True that" replied Will.

I suddenly felt a prickly feeling going through my spine.I turned around no one there. Just a huge empty field and a big tree to the left of us. I glared at the tree in case someone might be hiding there.

"What is it?" asked Will

I stood there scanning the tree. "Nothing, Just had this feeling." I slowly turned away from the tree and kept walking. It was then that i saw Carol Soe running to us. Shes pretty much one of those gossip girls that usually cant keep a secret.

"Guess what, Guess what!" she said in a excited out of breath tone.




"Theres a new kid in our class" she huffed.

"And this is supposed to be interesting because?" said Janine.

"Its a GUY and he's H-O-T hot!" she squealed.

"Sure cool." i said not to excitedly. Im pretty much interested in guys but i try to avoid have any crushes. I find it a waste of time and they can pretty much bother my studies. Plus im only 14.

"Ooh sure!. Something exciting happening" squealed Janine jumping and clapping her hands at the same time.

Will rolled his eyes probably disgusted by the fact that ahem. If you ask me his crush liking some one else. Theres one more thing i forgot to say about will was that he is one of the top 10 cutest guys at school. Im surprised Janine dosnt like him shes into guys more than me.

"Thanks for the info Carol" said Will

Carol smiled. "No probs" she then ran away some where to tell more people about it.

"A new guy! can you beleive it and he's hot"

"Janine watch it he might not be that hot to you, plus he could be a player so watch out."

"Oh yea" Janine sighed.

Janine is like a little sister to me so i watch out for her. Especially when it comes to guys i mean she falls pretty hard for one if shes deeply in love. Although her love for my brother is just a mere crush.

Eventually the bell rings and we part our ways.I realized i had to go to math class. I took a step forward to have that prickly feeling again. I turned around to find hardly anyone there. Just a bunch of older teens walking my way. I doubt any of them was looking at me. I continued walking to class. I quickly took my seat and put my head down waiting for the teacher.

"Class" said my favorite teacher Mr Hatten " Today we have a new student so please be nice. His name is Skyric Garter."

Just then a boy of about 15 years of age. Black converse,black shirt,skinny jeans, Gray converse bag.Your typical skater boy. Though he looks a bit asian. Five feet eight, deep black almond shape eyes. Skater hair simialar to Will's, nice light skin tone. Id say hes not bad.
Skyric smiled at the class and stood there quietly. Not bad of a smile i thought.

"Skyric why dont you sit there?" said Mr Hatten pointing to a seat behind me.

I watched as Skyric quietly walked to his seat but when he was next to my desk he stopped for a second and winked at me.
I had a feeling crazy things were about to happen to me.
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Sorry if its kinda boring
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