
Chapter 4

I regret having Skyric sitting behind me during class. Each time i felt his finger tap my shoulder or a paper ball hit the back of my head i felt my blood pressure get higher.

Another paper ball hit my head. My right eye twitched.I looked back at him and glared at him for the hundredth time today.He pretended that he was doing his work and looked up at smiled at me. I rolled my eyes. I had such an urge to make an imprint of my fist on his face and scream my head off at him. Some how i was able to keep myself from having a screaming rampage.

As soon as class over, I immedaitly got off my seat and ran to where i would meet Janine so we could walk to our next class together. Also so that i could avoid Skyric. Where is Janine? I asked my self as I was searching through the thick crowd of teenagers.

"Waiting for anyone?" A deep smooth voice breathed into my ear. Frightened i practically jumped a few centimeters.

I turned around, my fist balled up. My fist tightened even more when i saw who was talking to me.


"Im sorry for scaring you" he said looking pretty amused. His hands in his pockets.

"No i wasnt just.. surprised.
How much i wanted to hit him for teasing me.

"Waiting for anyone?" he asked again.

"Yea i'm looking for a friend" i said desperatly searching for Janine. "Look there she is" i brightened up as soon as I saw Janine waving her hand in the air. " Well i gotta go. Bye" I quickly walked away before he could say anything.

"Hey isnt that the new guy?" said Janine blushing

"Yea, you interested?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

She giggled.

"Look sister dont even try. That guy is pretty irritating."

"How would you know?" she asked me.

"He sits behind me during class"

"Ooh how lucky" she gushed.

"Not really he keeps throwing paper balls at the back of my head. Plus he pretty much bothers me all the time."

"Oh its ok i mean you just met him, he could be a nice guy." she said sounding hopeful.

"Yea sure" i said and walked on. To class.

Much to my dismay he was in my class. Again.

"Hey hes in our class" said Janine cheerfully.

"Whoopie" i said feeling more frustrated.

I watched him as he put down his bag and sat down. He looked pretty lonely. Then i saw Lyle Cands walk up to him and a few more guys. On second thought never mind.

"Hes prety popular now, and its his first day" said Janine looking amazed.

"Yea wow not bad."

I saw him look at me and smiled, he then turned his gaze and raised an eye brow in interest and gave a little wave hello.
I turned my head to see who he was looking at. Janine?!

"Uh Janine?"

"Yea i know" she smiled brightly.

This pretty much made my blood boil. Hitting on my best friend? I dont think so. I slowly concentrated on his note book.

Thud. His note book fell. He bent down to pick it up. Just when he was close to touching it i moved it a little to the right. Or at least i meant to. Instead the book ended up to the other side of the class room. Hitting Ms Cardine's foot.
I tried stifling a giggle. From the corner of my eye i saw janine gave me a look that meant 'what the heck was that for?.' I shrugged it off and tried to keep my cool.

"Sorry ms-"

"Ms Cardine" ms Cardine interrupted. "Arnt you the new student?"

"Yes" he said

"Well maybe in your school they may throw your books around but in here we keep our books to ourselves. To prevent from hurting other people. Now take a seat. " She pushed him away and laughed silently. Ms Cardine was a pretty funny teacher.

I watched Skyric wondering if he will seat near me. When he caught me looking he mouthed. ' I know you did that'.

I looked at him bewildered.
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