

"Oh hello"i greeted them shyly.

Oh no If this is about my math test, Im so bombed. I thought.
I sat down on the couch in front of them.

"Hello Marline" said the woman. I noticed she had green eyes, short blonde hair.Her hair looks flawless. Straght cut, not a hair out of place. She must have had a awesome hair dresser.


"My name is Regina Plair, and this-" she said pointing to the man beside her. " Is Dean Sedcine."

He nodded at me and I smiled.

"The reason why we are here to day is because of your powers."
Phew. Its not about school.

"What about my powers?" I asked strangely calm.

"We are recruiting special kids to train their powers and in the future may help the world." answered Regina.

"Ok this sounds kinda weird for me. I mean this sounds like Bat man and superman crap. Thats not my style, Im not flying around wearing bright colored costumes and capes or whatever. Blegh."

Dean laughes silently as a smirk plays on his face.

"No Marline, this is not something like 'bat man' or 'superman' because as a fact we are not letting you children-"

"Wait theres more other people like me?" I said out of curiousity.

"Yes but as i was saying we are not letting you children being known to the public because it will cause such a fuss and.. bad people will find out and try to harm you. Right now we need you kids to help us. A couple of our spies have gone missing and havn't return.

"What kind of mission? Is it too dangerous. I dont want Marline to get hurt." said my mother rather panicky.

"Calm down Mrs Harix." said Regina. "Your daughter will be fine of course we wont let her just go out on a mission like that. We will start training her first to see if she could handle her powers."

"Wait when you say training does that mean I have to move schools?"

"Fortuantely for you, you dont have to."

"Ok good" i sighed in releif.

"But we still need to train you so we are sending you to a secret after school program only kids like you can go in."

Who is he calling a kid. I thought to myself as i crossed my arms.

"Does that mean I can meet other kids like me?"

"Haha. I think you have met one of them." said Dean turning his head to the door.
I felt a huge gush of wind blow into my face. Just like what happened at my someone's yard when i was looking over it. The door flew open and standing in the door way was a skater boy with deep black almond eyes smirking back at me.
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Comments anyone?.
Thanks =DD