
A Sinking Feeling. Literally.

I should've saved my excitement. It was a small dimly lit cubicle of a room. The building looked pretty big on the outside. Whats with the inside?! This is practically a damn closet!

"Please state your name and last name." said a dull mechanicle voice that probably came from hidden speakers.

"Marline Harix"

"Thank you. Please demonstrate your power."

"Uh, I need some props to show my power?" I asked.

"Use your bag."

"Ok" I placed my bag on the ground in front of me and hardly concentrating, let the bag slowly levitate off the ground. It wasnt much just a simple levitation thing. I could move it around if I wanted. I'm pretty pro if you ask me. It wasnt until my bag was 6 feet off the ground when it suddenly dissapeared.

"What the hell?"

"Thank you, now please stand still as we scan you for a data check.

I stood still as a red horizantal beam of light scanned me from head to toe.

"Hey what about my bag?" I asked it.

The thing ignored me and suddenly the dimly lit room dissapeared as I sank into the ground. "Aaghh" I screamed startled.

"Lanie, your here!"

I turned around suprised to see Skyric and that I'm on flat land again.

"Yea, I know. Wheres my bag?"

"Huh? Oh that we'll get it later, right now lets go."He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the source of the noise.

He ran so fast he was practically dragging me. He ran in front of this 3 story maroon building and opened the doors.

Inside was like a huge hotel lobby with 2 large windows on either side. In the middle of it was a huge round maroon carpet and on top of it was a small intricatly carved table with a glass table top. There were 2 semi circle couches surrounding the table.

Skyric walked passed the couches and walked in front of a large mahagony desk at the head of the lobby like room. I followed him. Behind the table were two familiar people. Regina Plair and Dean Sedcine.

"Hello Ms Harix its nice to see you here." said Regina in her british accent.

"Yea, nice to see you too" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well Lanie I know its a bit hard to take this all in but I'm sorry that we dont have much time to explain things to you." said Dean in a his deep voice. "Right now all you have to do is sign in here and place your hand here to confirm that you are you just in case."

"Alright." I wrote down my name on the paper they gave me and placed my hand on a thin square shaped screen that was built on the desk. All the while Skyric stood there waiting for me.

"Ok Ms Harix you have to do this routine everyday now. So that we know your here."

"O.K" I said awkwardly.

"Now just stand still and you will be lead to your first challenge.

"What first challenge?" I said surprised. I didint hear their response because I was sinking into the ground once again.

I opened my eyes to find Skyric next to me. There were many loud noises and I looked around. The place was like a giant gym it was bigger than two football fields put together. In the middle of the giant gym was a huge caged stage of some sort. On either side of it was huge long bleachers filled with people ranging from about 7-20 years of age. In front of the front row bleachers was a huge plastic screen. Like in hockey rinks. I guess its for safety reasons.

In the giant stage were two boys. One with dark blonde hair. He looked about my age and a older spikey black haired guy he looks like hes been electrocuted. Seems the dark blonde haired kid was winning.

Skyric led me to the very last row on the left side of the bleachers. I watched as the the spikey haired kid threw in some awesome martial arts. Hes like better than jackie chan,Bruce Lee, and Jet li put together. The dark blonde haired kid managed to dodge some moves and managed to throw in some even powerful punches. With each punch he threw it looks like lightening he pretty moves fast like lightening. It was then that I realized the dark blonde kid had lightening speed and he controls static probably because of the lightning.

All of a sudden I felt a rumbling on the ground like an earthquake was happening. Skyric, noticing that I was panicking told me to calm down and watch. I watched in amazement as the giant stage shifted and changed into a diffrent enviroment. From normal boxing ring to a artificial rain forest filled with giant trees, and leaf filled dirt ground. The boys acted as if nothing didint happen and kept fighting. The fight went on for 5 more minutes till the spikey haired dude fell to the ground and didint stand back up to fight. The ground suddenly sucked him in like quick sand till there were no remains of him. The crowd then bursted into applause and cheering. I heard some 'awws' and 'boos'

Then a man of about in his late 30s appeared next to the dark blonde haired kid and gave him a medal. Strangely he looked familiar.

"Thank you every one for coming to watch." came the guys booming voice. "Freddie Yuta has won the bronze award."

The crowd cheered into a deafening applause.

"Thank you we will be back in an hour." with that the anouncer and Freddie were sucked into the ground the same way the spikey black haired kid did. Eventually the crowd departed separate ways and it became a bit quieter. Skyric and I just stayed in the bleachers.

"What was that about?" I asked

"That was a fight."

"I know that but can you explain?"

"Well that was a fight. If you win you earn a medal you need 4 medals to move up a rank. There are about 7 ranks in which they put you in. The first rank is called freshman, the next rank is called sophomore, the next is called Junior.--"

"So its like high school right? but its by how you fight and stuff?"

"Exactly. But after you pass the senior rank you go to Amatuer, then 2nd Junior, then to the highest and final rank, Champion. The fights get harder and harder as you move up a rank."

"I see." I said taking it all in. "What rank am I in?"

"You are undecided."

"What why?"

"You haven't won any fights yet."

"Oh yea."

"So thats why you are going to start fighting in the next match."


"Yea. Their going to put you in the next fight to see how well you are."

"Me!, fighting!?, I can hardly fight.I mean I can but I'm not very skilled, can you train me now?"

"I cant that would be considered as cheating."

"Why? this is all so stupid."

"As I said they want to see how well you are in fighting and defending your self."

"Who are they exactly?"

"The superior rank."

"I thought you said Champion was the highest rank?"

"Technically but Superior rank is the most highest and its practically impossible to get into Superior rank the last time someone got into superior rank was about 20 years ago."


"I know but you'll do fine, there only going to put you with people that have the same rank as you"

I heard a irritating ring and watched as more and more people gathered into the giant footbal field of a room.

"Looks like its about time." said Skyric casually smiling. Normally I'd be thinking how much of a nice smile he has but, Im feeling nervous.

"Huh?" I felt my body shake and had the butterfly feeling in my stomach.

"Ladies and gentlmen get ready to watch your next fight." This time the announcer was a lady with short teased hair. "Our next challengers are new so please give them your support."

The crowd bursted into applause and shouting and the lady calmed them down raising up her hand.

"Come on up Marline Harix and Kenny Blints".

"Oh no." I whispered. Then all of a sudden I felt myself sinking lower and lower into the ground. I looked up at Skyric hesitantly but he just gave me a reassuring smile that mean to say 'dont worry'.
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