A Werewolf story


Narrators POV

One rainy night, a girl was sheltering under a bus stop, all cold and wet. She had long dark hair, strait eyebrows, grey eyes, and very pale skin. She was shivering, her clothes were soaked and she lived nowhere, she was alone.

Then, it started to happen, she started to feel warm, then hot, then like she was on fire. she collapsed, head first into the cold rain. It made no difference. She was getting hotter by the second. She tried to yell, but all that her cries brought were dogs. hundreds of dogs, all saying “You are okay, we will help you, have no fear”. She thought she was dying. The dogs brought the agonized girl under the bus stop, and stood guard.

She had often heard from people that when you die, you think that animals are talking, but while she thought this, the truth was that she was hearing what the dogs had to say. “Whats happening to me?” she asked in a

pain filled voice. she was shocked that she was barking like a dog and that she could actually understand what she was saying. “You are being transformed” “Into what?!” “Into a dog like creature” The dog looked very sorry at the girl, and then it finally said, “I am so sorry for what is about to happen” , and then the world as she knew it disappeared forever.

She woke up alone, in a room with dark walls. She wasn’t scared, after all, how could anything scare her after what happened to her then.

Then......... Just how long had she been asleep?

Just then, the door opened, and a dark haired boy with the most beautiful eyes walked in with a tray. He stared at her for a full minute before he stepped towards her and put the tray down. The girl only just released that she wasn’t wearing her damp clothes, she was was wearing a white silk night gown, her hair was dry and mostly untangled, and her skin was even more pale than she remembered. She also relised that she was staring, and that it was rude and it was a habbit of hers. She tried to look away, but his eyes were mesmerizing, and they looked like every time he blinked, they were a different colour. She looked at what was on the tray, it was food, lots of food. “I guess I won’t have to force feed you then,” said the boy in a quiet voice. She just stared, she looked shocked at how much food was actually there, and the boy laughed, “You look like you’ve never seen this much food in your entire life!” He looked at her face, to see if her expression had changed, but it hadn't. He suddenly realised that she probably hadn’t. “You aren't serious, are you?” he looked shocked. The girl finally said “I live on the streets, I’ve lived there all my life, of corse I haven’t seen this much food” she was very quiet, and she looked confused, “Where am I?” The boy took a while to reply, “You are at the house of the doomed” “Why is it called the house of the doomed?” “Because all who live here usually have a doomed life”

The boy left, and she suddenly felt alone, then he turned back to face her and said, “Theirs a change of clothes in the cupboard” then he disappeared. Indeed there was a change of clothes in the cupboard, and she wore them. Then she left the security of the room and ventured to the strange place beyond. She really didn’t feel hungry, thats because she usually didn’t get much to eat. All the same, she felt like she had already eaten. she wanted to look in a mirror to see if she looked like she was sick, but strangely enough, their was no mirrors in the hallway beyond the door that kept her safe. She decided to find a bathroom, their had to be a mirror in there. She easily found the bathroom, and there was a mirror, but she was shocked when she looked in. She no longer had straight eyebrows, they were each curled at the end facing the opposite eye. She no longer had colour in her eyes, just black, pitch black, and her skin was pale, paler than it was before.

At that moment, she realized that her life was never going to be the same, but just how different was it going to be while living in the house of the doomed?

And her name was Mari Moon
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Um, I wrote the first few chapters on the computer, not really thinking I would post it online and it would become a FREAKIN HIT!!!!!! ENJOY WHILE I SILENTLY FREAK OUT IN THE CORNER!!!!!!!