A Werewolf story


Mari's POV

I was in shock, but I recovered after a few seconds, hey, you would too if you had jumped all the way to the other side of the room!

Shapefune got up and sat next to me, I felt more relaxed as soon as he sat down.

"So, these are your sisters?" I asked, a bit nervous about being in the same room as Diamonda, Cecelia, and Kaity.

They all had brown hair, but their eyes were different shades of the colours Shapefune {When asleep} and Edwards, Diamonda had light blue eyes that were almost grey like mine were, but mine were PURE grey, Cecelia had Moss green eyes like my papa, but on her they looked like they were fake, Kaity had very dark blue eyes, but they were more like storm clouds then the sort you first think of.

It was just so creepy, they had the same basic colours as Shapefune and Edward, but they were twisted to suit there own nature, I knew that because I could smell that they didn't have good intentions like Shapefune, Thomas or even Edward, they smelled of pain, and I don't like pain.

While they were talking away to Edward, I began to feel tiered, so I fell asleep on something hard, but warm, then it felt soft, all I knew when I was asleep was that I was safe from any harm that was in this very room.

Shapefune's POV

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder, and it was Mari.

I made my shoulder morecomftermable for her, and I saw into her dream.

Surprisingly I was in it, and we were riding a black dog together.

I went back to reality and listened to the conversation taking place.

"So how long has Mari been here?" Diamonda asked, looking sweet, but I could tell she was faking it.

"I don't know, but I think Shapefune does" Said Edward, looking at me.

"Um, today is about the forth day," I said, looking at Diamonda with a look that said 'Don't even think about hurting her'.

She just smiled.


When they left to find the 'Vampire' {I don't really call Tom a Vampire, because he doesn't drink any sort of blood} Edward looked at me and said "You know she likes you, don't you?"


"Come on, it's obvious, she blushes when she's around you, she acts differently around you and when she looks at you she has this look of awe, Shapefune, how did you find this girl?"

"Okay, so I rescued her, big deal, she doesn't even know it was me,"

"And whys that?"

"Okay, maybe I shapeshifted into a giant green dog, but so what, shes safe, thats all that counts"

"So how long has she been a Werewolf?"

"4 days, I rescued her when she was turning into one, she was only asleep for one night, and look at her now! Shes safe"

"Okay, but still, she really really likes you, just try not to break her heart"

"Why are you saying that?"

"Because before we became angels you used to break girls hearts all the time, but without realizing it, so I just feel as your brother, I should just warn you" Then he got up, and walked away to find the sisters.

Before we became angles, what could he have ment by that?

I just looked down at Mari, she looked sopeaceful lying on my shoulder, and thought 'why would I ever want to break her heart, after all, she wouldprobably just rip my head off if I did'.

And so I also fell asleep, with Mari on my shoulder, I felt at peace again.