A Werewolf story


Mari's POV

"Huh..." I had just woken up to the smell of the sisters.

"What are you doing!" I asked suddenly fully awake.

"Come with us" said the tallest.

"Why should I!?" I screached.

The smallest came up to me and held out arecentpicture.

It was me and Shapefune, we were in the rose garden, just talking and sitting around.

"If you don't come with us, Shapefune pays the price!" the middle one said, that really scared me.

I didn't want anything to happen to Shapefune, so I just obeyed.

They took me outside and made me walk down into the forrest, down hills, hills and even more hills.

Eventually they stopped and they all said at the same time "Stay here, you are not to move, if you do, Shapefune pays the price."

I just nodded, they were creepy AND ruthless.

I stayed there for two days, but they didn't come back.

I couldn't smell them nearby, but I couldn't risk going through the forrest, I didn't know the way, and knowing me, I would get lost.

So I climbed.

I kept climbing until I got to the nearest ledge.

I lay on my back, catching my breath.

I looked up, it was day, I could tell by the eclipse.

We have an eclipse every day except for one week of the year, and I think theeclipseis awesome.

It also made me think of Shapefune, and how much I missed him.

I didn't feel like myself, thats how much I missed him.

I continued to climb until I got to the next ledge again.

I was closer.

I climbed and climbed and climbed, until I made it to the top.

I climbed over the last ledge and rolled to my back, heavily breathing.

I sat up and looked around.

I was back, I was back, then Ilaidmyself down and whispered "I'm home Shapefune, I'm home" Then went into apeacefulsleep.

Shapefune's POV

It had been two days since the departure of the sisters and thedisappearance of Mari, and I still wanted to look.

"Edward, why aren't we looking for her, she could be in danger RIGHT NOW!"

Edward just rolled his eyes and said "For the last time Shapefune, NO. When the sisters take someone, they usually DIE. She's probably dead,acceptit."

"Edward, I would know if she was dead, please, just let me search!"

"Okay, fine you can search, but I'm not helping you" Edward said and went back to the book he was reading.

I went down stairs to the black rose garden.

They wouldn't have been able to access the front door, so they probably took the back door.

I Got to the darkness ridge and looked down, I couldn't see anything, it was too dark down there to see anything from up here.

I just walked along the cliff side and looked at the ground.

Then I saw a hand, a very pale hand, then another pale hand, then a pale foot, and so on.

Then I saw the midnight black hair, and the curled up eyebrows then the black eyes full offrustration. She was still in her night gown that she had woken up in.

"Mari?" I just asked, she probably didn't even hear me.

She just laid on her back, than sat up and looked around, then laid back down.

"I'm home Shapefune, I'm home" she whispered, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

I carefully lifted her up andcarriedher inside, upstairs and to her bed.

I then wrapped the blankets carefully around her and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Edward came to the doorway and looked at Mari indisbelief.

"See, I told you I could find her if I looked" I whispered, taking pleasure in his surprised face.

Now it was only the verdict, did the sisters really kidnap Mari or was it acoincidence?

I still don't trust the sisters, even if they DIDN'T kidnap Mari.

They still hated her guts, and I could tell by the way they treated Mari, and anyone who hates Mari, is hated by me.