A Werewolf story


Mari's POV

I was deep in my dream, I was on a cloud of Fire.

Wait, FIRE!!!!!!

I touched the fire with my hand, I didn't burn.

That was strange.

Then I saw Shapefune.

"Shapefune?" I asked, he looked like he did the other day when he was asleep.

Then, I woke up.

It was morning, I thought.

I tried to get up, and Irealizedthat I was wrapped up in blankets, and it was really nice, I looked over to see Shapefune in the chair next to my bed, he was smiling.

I smiled back.

"How are you?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Fine, well, except from this guilt"

"Guilt? What guilt?" He asked, not smiling anymore.

Oh no.

"Shapefune, I have to tell you something...."

Shapefune's POV

"Guilt?" What guilt?" I asked, my smile was slipping, and instead my face was washed in worry.

"Shapefune, I have to tell you something...."


"First, I need you to promise you won't do anything irrational, okay?"


"Your sisters kidnapped me...."

"I KNEW IT!!!!" I yelled, I couldn't help it! It just made me angry!

"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD BE IRRATIONAL!!!!" Mari yelled back, she was scary.

I just sat there, she was scary when she wanted to be.

"Anyway, they kidnapped me, and they left me at the bottom of thatchasm thingy, but they took me through the forrest. I was down there for two days, and they hadn't returned so I decided to climb.

"I did climb to the top, but I was exaughsted, so I just fell asleep."

"So whats this guilt?"

She just looked at me, this was an expression I hadn't seen on her face before, but it took me a second to know what it was, fear.

"They threatened you, they said if I didn't stay right there, you would pay the price..."

"I don't get it"

"Shapefune, they've threatened to kill you!"

Her eyes were wide with fear now.

I couldn't bear to see her like this, she just looked so frightened!

I sat on the side of her bed, and she hugged me.

Her grip was so tight that I thought she would never let me go.

*1 week later*

I waited for Mari to come out.

"Come on Mari, you can't stay in there forever" I said,hoppingshe would come out soon.

"In a minute! Ow!Stubbedmy toe, ow! Stubbed my other toe!OW OW OW!!!!" She sounded like she was having trouble.

She opened the door and she just smiled.

"I think I have a mouse in my room."

"Is that why you were stubbing your toes?" I asked.

She just nodded.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you phased into dog form?"

"Shapefune, I know what your getting at, and NO! I'm NOT learning how to phase in and out of dog form! No way. EVER."

Ever since she got kidnaped I've been trying to get her to phase into her dog form, and as you can see.

"Mari, you'll have to learn sometime"

"I know, just not right now, please" She replied, she wasn't ready, Iimmediatelyunderstood the first time, but when would she ever be ready?

"Lets go down stairs, I'm hungry!" Said Mari, she was developing asenseofappetite, and the result was astonishing.

She had filled out more, she was stronger, and her eyes had this sort of shimmer to them.

If she lookedbeautifulbefore, then now she looked gorgeous.

We went down and had breakfast, then went outside to the black rose garden.

Mari's nose was twitching, it always did when she was outside, she was always smelling something new, but this time it wasn't something that just made us wonder, this time it was something that wasn't welcome.

Mari eyes widened and then she said calmly, "Shapefune, we need to get inside, NOW."


"Don't ask, just do"

We went back inside, then Mari ran through the house saying "Prepare,enemies are outside, prepare!!!!"

IgrabbedMari's arm and asked "What enemies?"

She looked at me, the fear had returned.

"The sisters, the sisters are outside!!"

"What?!" I yelled.

"EVERYONE, GET HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled, I was filled with so much rage that I thought that I would blow!

Thomas and Edward came down, and they looked worried.

"So whats with the enemies?" Thomas asked, he never seemed happy around me, but then again, neither was I.

"The sisters are outside, I think they've come for revenge, remember, I didn't do as I was told, so they've come back, I'm so sorry" She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Mari, its not your falt, its just unfortunate, thats all" She calmed down, but Thomas just looked at me and gagged.

I gave him a look that said 'Grow up Tom'.

"So i guess we all know what we have to do now," Said Edward.

"Edward....." Mari just said. I think she had already guessed his plan, so had I.

"We fight." He simply said.

"But we need a set date, Edward, do you know when we should fight?"

"Well, its winter, close to Christmas right?"


"So when it starts to snow, we'll fight"

"ARE YOU INSANE!!!" I said,


"Mari's our advantage, Werewolves are built for snowy climates, but are found all around the world! Mari just happens to also be from the Moon family which are naitive to this area of the world, so herbodiesbuilt to survive, so thats why she's our advantage!"

I just looked at Mari, it was true, ever since I took her in she's been filling out and she's had better footing, plus her senses were growing sharper.

Edward was right, Mari was our advantage, but I truly wished she wasn't.

Mari's already been through enough, and now she has to fight, and she's doing it for me.

I wish she wasn't, I didn't deserve it.