A Werewolf story

I'm a Werewolf, greeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat.

Mari POV

I was shocked. I couldn’t stop staring. I suddenly saw someone beside my reflection. He was just as pale as I was, but he had golden eyes and his eyebrows were straight, just like mine were.

Were........ I was starting to miss my old life, I was still shocked. He was laughing, I think. “ Shapefune! Your patient appears to be shocked out of her mind!” So his name is Shapefune, I was thinking, what a strange name. Still shocked. Shapefune was now there, he was trying to get me away from the mirror, but for some reason I just wouldn’t move.

“Mari! You’ve got to move!” he looked very much like he was trying to keep calm. He wasn’t helping. “Just let me do it!” said the other boy, who lifted me up and carried me to my room.

Shapefune followed and waited until the other boy was gone. “You REALLY shouldn’t do that,” he said while standing in the exact place he had been this whole time. “Why did he call me your patient? Who is he?” I asked, but he had other things to tell me, “I never thought you would try to find the bathroom, and then you were just staring..... I thought you were never going to move” I was surprised. I thought he was just taking care of me because someone told him to, now I thought differently. He looked concerned. “Are you going to answer my questions?”

“He called you my patient because I was the one who found you, uh, lying on the front porch”

“oh” I tried to remember last night, but all I could remember was a strange green dog nosing at me and then darkness. “And he is Thomas, he’s a......... oh, uh,” he looked at me with an unsure face “I probably shouldn’t tell you that, not until you know why you look like that” I just looked at him, surprised. “There’s a REASON I look like this?! Tell me! Please!” I wanted to know desperately “No, I can’t tell you, just the shock, it would be my fault again” he looked upset, “I’ll find out sometime you know”

“All right, if you really want to know.....” he took a while before looking at me again, “You’ve been turned into a werewolf,” he looked at my face, “Its okay, I can live with that, I like talking to dogs,” I only just figured that last night I was listening to dogs talking, and talking some dog myself. “And,” he looked at me, then he started talking again, “Thomas is a vampire”,

“And what are you? Are you a Werewolf or a Vampire?” I looked at him to see if I could tell, but I couldn’t. “No, I’m not Vampire or Werewolf, I am a Shape-shifter.” I looked at him, “It explains your eyes, they change colour when you blink” He looked at me, unblinking , keeping his eyes deep blue “I’m surprised that you noticed that, its usually passible in public” I just stared, I probably shouldn’t have stared before.
“Is there anywhere I can go without another surprise being sprung?” I asked, still a bit shaken from looking in the mirror.
“Yes there is, I think I’ll show you around,” He said, I could hardly wait.
“So get up and come with me” And so I did, and that was the second time I left the room, but this time I was with the boy who called himself Shapefune, and for some strange reason, I trusted him.
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I LUV THIS SITE(even though its sorta confusing, thanks for da welcomes guys!)!!!!!