A Werewolf story


Mari's POV:

The sistersarrived, just like Sara said they would, and even though they tried to make memiserable, I ended up making THEM miserable, but like I said, we ended having a duel, so I'll tell you all the events leading up to that.

When they arrived, they said hello to everyone, except for me and Sara, I suspect they just don't like Werewolves or dogs.

then they kept ignoring both of us, and they made us do all their jobs, and they even locked out of the house once, but that just gave me the chance to look around the backyard.

There were trees everywhere, and flowers, especially moon flowers.

Moon flowers are white flowers with delicate looking petals, but they are as tough as iron, and I can EAT THEM!!!

Apparentlynormal people can't eat them because there teeth aren't strong enough, but mine are, and plus, it doesn'tpoisonme, it actually tastes sweet.

Any way, we went down the path, and I sat down, but something was in my pocket, and I remembered, the diary.

I started to read it, and the story it told was amazing.


1st june, Monday;

its near my birthday, and the sisters are acting up, AGAIN.

They hate to see me happy, and so they try to destroy my stuff, so I have hardly anything left after they go through my room.

Edward has landed himself with a broken arm and leg, AGAIN.

This time he tried an avalanche charm, trying to hit the sisters, but most of it went to him instead.

Mat is getting restless again, he never speaks to anyone but this person called Searan, whoever THAT is.

I'm almost all alone in the house, so I've been re reading a lot of the old Werewolf books, and my pen pal has justwrittenback, Molly has just had her first child, a Werewolf of course, she named him Ant, and she also sent her a sort of photograph of him, and he has black hair, and curled up eyebrows and has not got green eyes like Molly, but has the same as Simon, black.

I think he looks cute and know hes going to grow up just like Molly, but there was something about him, like I was looking at a boy version of a person I never met, but never mind, but still....

I had the same dream again, the girl, her grey eyes, on the street, looking scared, under what looked like some sort of port, but I don't know what it means.....

**Back to whats happening**

At that moment someone was shouting out my name, looking for me, and so I shoved the book back in my pocket and ran for the house, with Sara by my side.

I couldn'tbelievewhat I just read, he had had dreams of my last night as a human, and that baby, the discription was me, but as a boy, what was that about?

I had dinner, while what I read was buzzing in my head, hey thatrhymed!

I left for the safety of the spare room, but Shapefunegrabbedmy arm and said "We need to talk".

We hadn't spoken for ages, or at least it felt like it, and I had a bit of a bad feeling what this talk was about.

"Mari, I wanted to talk to you because I felt that I needed to warn you about the sisters-"

"I already know, becareful, they might try to hurt me, blah blah blah...."

"Mari, its more than that, they've got wands, Mari, WANDS, if your not careful, they could just you know, zap! Your a real dog, wave! You have short-term memory loss, BANG! Your a frog, just BE CAREFUL"

"Shapefune, look at this," I pulled out my wand from my other pocket, "what do you think THIS IS" I said, waving my wand right under his nose.

"A- a- a..."

"Thats right, A WAND. A REAL wand, not a plastic fake wand or a twig, A WAND, now, if they are going to try to curse me, I'll be able to defend myself, so stop trying to protect me, I lasted a whole lotta time on the street BEFORE I became a Werewolf, so I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, you got ANY problems with that?"

He just nodded, looking shocked at my outburst, but he sort of had it coming.

Then came the silence, and I turned to leave.

"Mari wait, I don't leave-"

I sighed and turned around, and my face was very close to his.

"Sorry" he said quietly, I could tell he was upset, so I said "No, don't say sorry, I over reacted, I should say sorry"

"No, I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry"

"No your not, I AM"

"No, I AM"

"I AM"







"Okay okay, you win!" Shapefune said, we were both laughing so hard, but I didn't really know why.

So, any way, the duel, it happened the next day, but I can't remember it clearly, but I know one thing, I lost.

I woke up a few hours later, and Shapefune was at the side of the bed, AGAIN!

"Shapefune, where-"

"Shhhh" he said, his eyes going towards the form of Maritha, who wasmeasuringout some sort of liquid.

"Pretend to be asleep" he whispered, now looking at me.

I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened.

All I could, and still can, remember was a flash of green light, then nothing.

"Shapefune, is she awake?"

I felt him looking at me, then he said "No 'mother', she's not awake" he said, I could tell he was forcing the word mother out of his mouth.

Then I heard her leave, and Shapefune whispered again, "She's gone".

I opened my eyes, AH! To bright!

I turned to my side and looked at Shapefune.

"What was that liquid that Maritha was measuring?"

"That was a memory potion, she thinks that you've lost most of your memory or something, but I think she's just over reacting, as usual"

"You also over react, now I know where you get it from"


"So, what happened?" I asked, a little dazed.

"Lye back down Mari, you just tried to battle the sisters, but you got hit. You should have seen Maritha's face when she was telling them off!"